Leon Edward helps people improve Brain Health and brain power, focus, memory, concentration, IQ, creativity, learn to speed read and how to reduce harmful stress to your brain all at his website Increase IQ where you can play scientifically proven brain games online, search articles, review brain improvement resources including CDs, MP3s, PDFs and the latest brain improvement technology resources.

Download the IQ Mind Brain library at http://www.iqmindbrainlibrary.com/info.html

Brain Games Online


Changing Attitudes effect on Your Mind Power

How you view your motivation:
Learning how you view your motivation and how it is influenced by attitudes can help you change your way of thinking. If you are trying to unleash your mind power to attract success, money and friends then you want to learn more about you now.

Moreover, you may want to learn whether slow or rapid memorizers can help you to retain more information that you have learned.

First, attitudes compose our outlook on life. Our outlook comes from viewpoints by us and by influences that have positioned our way of thinking. We have several mind-sets sometimes that hinder us from learning effectively, since influences of our past has lead us to believe something that may or may not be true. You want to change this so that you can move to success.

Reflected Attitudes and converting them to positive thoughts:
A common ole’ saying,” I am too old to learn.” This is not true. The mind-set by the people who refuse to learn something new can be broken with some effort. Exploring their subliminal to regain the knowledge they already had learned in their childhood is a great start to changing this attitude. Attitudes compose our scope of how we see things so we want to evaluate these scopes carefully to unleash the mind power to attract success, money and friends.

If these people want to unleash their mind power to attract success, money and friends, thus they must turn this mind-set around so that it works in their favor. Drop the negative attitude and say, “It is never too late to learn something new. Today, I am going to make sure that I learn something from my subliminal mind or from others that I hadn’t known before.”

How to use your subliminal mind effectively to unleash your mind power:
Review the sentence again. Do you see how a negative was turned into a positive thought? This is a great start to unleash your mind power. When you develop your mind power, you will attract success, money and friends.

Now, think about how slow and rapid memorizers can benefit you. Do you learn easier when you use rapid memorizers? Do you learn easier at what time you apply slower memorizers?

First, think about memorizers. What do memorizers mean to you?

Definition: Memorizers are something you learn and recall. You use memorizers to commit to something in order to remember it.

Now think about the questions again. Think about how behindhand and swift memorizers can benefit you. Do you learn easier when you use hurried memorizers? Do you learn heave a sigh of relief at what time you apply slower memorizers?

Set out to answer these questions and figure out the best way for you to learn effectively.

Remember that the routines compose our visions on life. Our slant* pivotal moments comes from viewpoints we set up in our own mind and by climates that have influenced our way of thinking. You want to work through these several variations of your mind-set that sometimes hinder you from attaining successfully by removing some of the influences of your past that have piloted you to believe that you are too old to learn something new. You want to exchange this so that you can present your proposal to Easy Street*.

Learning how you view your desire and how it is influenced by attitudes can help you switch your way of thinking. So get started now and unleash your mind power to attract success, money and friends. Manipulate your mind to success!

Leon Edward helps others Increase IQ, Memory, Focus, Concentration,
Creativity, Public Speaking, Reading Speed, Time Management and Even
Stress Management. Learn to Superboost your brain power, optimize your
iq and improve life with his IQ Mind Brain Success Library at


InstantIQTest.com - Take the IQ Test. Click Here

- Leon Edward also has a personal development website http://www.awesomesuccess.org/ for awesome personal development training online - Streaming Video Audio Webucation,leadership development , career improvement skills and wealth.

Other websites from Leon Edward include:

http://www.justvisualizeit.net/ - Learn to Optimize Your Mind through the power of the subconscious mind and reprogramming subconscious mind

http://www.homebusinessit.com/ internet home businss ideas, opportunities and free training

- Learn to Earn Money At Home with Online Business Ideas, Home Business Reviews
learn how to
get grants to start a business

Development Training
guide, Success University Online

http://www.focusonthefamilylife.com/ - Visit Focus on the Family and Family Life infocenter for Hobbies, Travel, Best Articles on the Web Daily, Christian Music
and Christian Bookstore


Optimizing Brain Function in Aging Adults and Methods to Achieving a Better Quality of Life

Neurons and connections between neurons continue to expand as we age but not without a disciplined approach to never ending continuous improvement and utilization of our mind brain. The brain responds to mental stimulation just like the body responds to regular exercise at the gym. Work out your brain regularly and keep it stimulated with new material and yes even new physical activities.

The diversity of mental stimulation is the driving force to a healthy and happy brain maximizing growth due to neuroplasticity. Cognitive challenges and brain exercises should be vigorous and varied. Mental activities effect different sections of the brain and more than one brain region each exercise. You may be solving a puzzle working on decision making, yet areas of the brain more involved in attention, focus or even perception will be strengthened to a degree. Do not get hooked on a certain kind of crossword puzzle or maybe even Sudoku. Change up our brain exercising with new puzzles and take advantage of the electronic games on cds or digital on the web.

Think of going to the gym again. You would not spend all your time in a gym doing curls would you? A balanced and diverse workout on a regular basis will give you the best overall gains in your health. A healthy and happy brain is desiring the same approach... Really

An important aspect of keeping your brain young is to challenge it. As mentioned the variety is of utmost importance but also the skill level changing can benefit you greatly. Real brain exercise requires an effort and you may even be physically drained afterwards.

Exercising regularity is of course a requirement but a rigorous brain exercise routine is not needed daily. It is actually beneficial to rest. A happy brain loves rest and enough sleep is a requirement for optimizing brain usage throughout the day. Infants will sleep as much as fourteen hours , adults seven to eight with elderly adults six hours or less. Although studies have shown that adults need more, as many as 10 hrs at times.

As you age, continue to be involved in planning your life and being responsible. Join church groups or even focus groups. If you are living or plan to be living in a community, make sure you have input in several ways. Some communities have committees , suggestion boxes and organizers for day trips or other getaways.

Reducing your intake of food is a must as people are naturally gaining weight as they age. Living longer and healthier has been proven in many studies but significantly in one of the Mayo clinic from back in 1984. Aerobic exercise for 45 minutes , just three times a week will result in improved reaction times.

After clearing this with your doctor, improve your circulatory system and intelligence by consistently jogging or walking six to eight miles per day.

Brain enhancement as we age can be controlled as we have seen. Additionally, important steps can be taken. Stopping smoking, minimizing alcohol consumption, healthy weight control, getting enough sleep, regular exercise, satisfactory water consumption , eating a healthy breakfast are all keys to a happy and healthy brain as we age. This exercise should be both physical and mentally challenging.

Do not forget how to laugh. Laugh even more. Look for newsletters or comedies that will drive this daily. This is so important.

Maintain normal levels of blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar. Continue to stimulate your senses and meditate daily.

These are keys but new studies are continuing to give all of us the tools and methods of a better quality of life as we age for our brain, health, relationships and even spirit.

Leon Edward helps others Increase IQ, Memory, Focus, Concentration,
Creativity, Public Speaking, Reading Speed, Time Management and Even
Stress Management. Learn to Superboost your brain power, optimize your
iq and improve life with his IQ Mind Brain Success Library at


InstantIQTest.com - Take the IQ Test. Click Here

- Leon Edward also has a personal development website http://www.awesomesuccess.org/ for awesome personal development training online - Streaming Video Audio Webucation,leadership development , career improvement skills and wealth.

Other websites from Leon Edward include:

http://www.justvisualizeit.net/ - Learn to Optimize Your Mind through the power of the subconscious mind and reprogramming subconscious mind

http://www.homebusinessit.com/ internet home businss ideas, opportunities and free training

- Learn to Earn Money At Home with Online Business Ideas, Home Business Reviews
learn how to
get grants to start a business

Personal Development Training guide, Success University Online
http://www.focusonthefamilylife.com/ - Visit Focus on the Family and Family Life infocenter for Hobbies, Travel, Best Articles on the Web Daily, Christian Music
and Christian Bookstore


Review of Genius Intelligence Program Brain Exercises

Re: http://www.GeniusIQTraining.com

Yes , I was skeptical at first. Had to try it not only for

myself and my work in optimizing the mind but in being

able to honestly talk about the genius exercise training program

to the many on my email newsletter list who were

interested, some even passionate about maximixing their brain power.

Part way down the webpage, http://www.GeniusIQTraining.com

was a signup box for free genius tips. I tried this out

before buying of course to see if I could get a free sample

and validate the effectiveness of the genius program. In the

second email I was surprised to see a step by step exercise

to improve concentration and subsequantly IQ. It was not a

one time exercise so I kept with the instructions and

exercised regularly according to schedule.

In his newsletters, he had additional resources , links to

additional increasing IQ, Focus and Concentration resources. He

references Einsteins training and also explains how what he

accomplished with vast improvements and brain usage

percentage could be improved upon with the technques of

today and as included in http://www.GeniusIQTraining.com

... Concentration seems to be the key here as many

acknowledge. Graduate courses in mathematics and sciences

are mastered by those who have developed this keen laser

focus .

Creativity, Ideas spur from a lightning quick -Energetic-

mind. One in which is continuosly exploded through effects of

neuroplasticity and providing new challenges and learning

from the brain. Memory function improved with me gradually

too as a result and showed in an engineering consultant


The brain and the power of thoughts,

the power of intention is still a breakthrough

science with full optimization of our brains, mind and

even subconscious mind power still being analogous to pioneers

in biotechnology or frontiers in cell research...

I started to see real results in my life, not just with my

concentration but with focus, creativity

organization, thought processing speed and certainly

creativity. Others I knew through a master mind group

passionate about self improvement and never ending

continuous improvement of self especially the brain and

mind were going through the program. Thinking faster was

something I of course noticed in lightning quick

responses, answers just popped out. Not having to wonder,

think about it or rephrase the questions were signs

I noticed in myself and those in my mentoring or super mind group.



One word of caution, This is not a Overnight Miracle. This

course works but it relies on your dedication, a discipline

to stick with the training, even for months. Check out the

testimonials of others who have succeeded in increasing

their own Intelligence.

Visit http://www.GeniusIQTraining.com

presentation on genius intelligence exercises. You really

can improve your focus, concentration and even iq through this

proven and acclaimed program as seen in Science Digest and on CNN...

and be sure to get his FREE Genius IQ tips about half way

down this page - http://www.GeniusIQTraining.com

Don't worry, he won't spam you, just deliver some

excellent tips and newsletters.

I would seriously and honestly recommend Genius Intelligence

Exercises and Training at

My own articles and websites are for people to improve their lives in
several ways.


- Leon Edward


Self Development Training and Career Success University


Improve IQ, Focus, Memory and Read Faster


The Power of The Subconscious Mind


Online Home Business Ideas and Opportunity


Family Fun, Health and Relationships

Leon Edward helps others Increase IQ, Memory, Focus, Concentration,
Creativity, Public Speaking, Reading Speed, Time Management and Even
Stress Management. Learn to Superboost your brain power, optimize your
iq and improve life with his IQ Mind Brain Success Library at


InstantIQTest.com - Take the IQ Test. Click Here

- Leon Edward also has a personal development website http://www.awesomesuccess.org/ for awesome personal development training online - Streaming Video Audio Webucation,leadership development , career improvement skills and wealth.

Other websites from Leon Edward include:

http://www.justvisualizeit.net/ - Learn to Optimize Your Mind through the power of the subconscious mind and reprogramming subconscious mind

http://www.homebusinessit.com/ internet home businss ideas, opportunities and free training

- Learn to Earn Money At Home with Online Business Ideas, Home Business Reviews
learn how to
get grants to start a business

Development Training
guide, Success University Online

http://www.focusonthefamilylife.com/ - Visit Focus on the Family and Family Life infocenter for Hobbies, Travel, Best Articles on the Web Daily, Christian Music
and Christian Bookstore


The Secrets of Fast Learning

Can you still remember the old Roadrunner cartoons?

When we see or hear the word “FAST”, it’s easy to recall memories of Roadrunner rearing past all the obstacles laid out in the road ahead of him.

In some ways, it would be true if we said one could compare learning with running. Running can be exhilarating and of course, it gets you to your destination in a short space of time. The question is do you really get a chance to take in the view? How can you be sure you saw everything you were meant to see?

Having access to valuable knowledge from other people can be extremely beneficial and that’s exactly what reading is all about. Considering how much we can learn through reading, relaxing with a good book is not only enjoyable, but it also helps to expand out knowledge.

If you want to learn anything through reading, don’t fall into the trap of speed-reading. Unlike many people believe, reading quickly has a price and that price is, you’ll be loosing out on a lot of potential knowledge.

Techniques for speed-reading differ but the most common is to read by phrases. Yes, this will allow you to flip through those pages at an alarming rate but as we’ve mentioned, speed comes at a price and you’ll probably find that once you’re done, you can only remember snippets of what you’ve read. This of course means that there’s a strong probability you’ve missed a huge amount of important points.

However, speed-reading should not be confused with fast-learning because there is actually an effective technique which allows us to learn incredibly fast, without the need for speed-reading. While many may not have heard about this, the human mind thinks in terms of pictures rather than words.

In order to speed up the rate at which you learn something, you need to visualize the whole idea. This could of course be relevant to a single paragraph, a chapter or even an entire book. Creating a vivid mental picture in your mind of what the writer is attempting to convey, undeniably helps you to remember the subject or story. Hence, people remember fine details of novels they have read years ago, simply because they had created mental images in their minds as they were reading. Taking this into consideration, it is safe to say that if you don’t see anything when you’re reading, you don’t learn anything either, which in turn renders speed-reading useless.

When one applies this technique, known as visualization, to learning, the subject tends to have more meaning and more depth; almost as if one were reading in 3D. Of course if you constantly create these images in your mind as you progress through the subject, one is then later able to piece them together in much the same way as you would a jigsaw puzzle. Above all, visualization is essential to successful fast-learning.

Unlike visualization, speed-reading only provides you with some of the pieces you required to complete the puzzle and of these, many are damaged, thus preventing you from even using them. Yes, speed-reading can impress your friends or even yourself, but like a sick tree, it won’t bear any fruit.

Information changes with time and as it changes, so we need to erase it from our minds, replacing it with the new. Impressions on the other hand only change you and with this technique, we store our impressions away without fear of loosing them.

Fast-learning can be considered slow if compared to speed-reading but of course, in order to fast-learn, we need to take little breaks in between passages or chapters. These little breaks give us the chance to construct a vivid image, a means to absorb the writer’s message and are in essence; exactly what fast-learning is about.

Strive for great ideas and lasting impressions and always remember, impressions can and do, influence you in your journey through life.

Leon Edward helps others Increase IQ, Memory, Focus, Concentration,
Creativity, Public Speaking, Reading Speed, Time Management and Even
Stress Management. Learn to Superboost your brain power, optimize your
iq and improve life with his IQ Mind Brain Success Library at


InstantIQTest.com - Take the IQ Test. Click Here

- Leon Edward also has a personal development website http://www.awesomesuccess.org/ for awesome personal development training online - Streaming Video Audio Webucation,leadership development , career improvement skills and wealth.

Other websites from Leon Edward include:

http://www.justvisualizeit.net/ - Learn to Optimize Your Mind through the power of the subconscious mind and reprogramming subconscious mind

http://www.homebusinessit.com/ internet home businss ideas, opportunities and free training

- Learn to Earn Money At Home with Online Business Ideas, Home Business Reviews
learn how to
get grants to start a business

Development Training
guide, Success University Online

http://www.focusonthefamilylife.com/ - Visit Focus on the Family and Family Life infocenter for Hobbies, Travel, Best Articles on the Web Daily, Christian Music
and Christian Bookstore