Leon Edward helps people improve Brain Health and brain power, focus, memory, concentration, IQ, creativity, learn to speed read and how to reduce harmful stress to your brain all at his website Increase IQ where you can play scientifically proven brain games online, search articles, review brain improvement resources including CDs, MP3s, PDFs and the latest brain improvement technology resources.

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Setting Your Goals - Easier Said, Easily Done

If you truly want to achieve the goals you set for yourself, you have to have the right attitude. Often it is actually our own minds that can be our worst enemy, directing us to repeat the same old habits over and over again. If you have been experiencing difficulty making the changes you truly want to make, consider a visit to the doctor or psychiatrist to learn emotional intelligence and control.

You have to be able to manage your time if you want to create a career. People who fail often do so due to their inability to manage their schedule. A profession is not just a job, it is a lifestyle. You need to have a plan for how high you want to work towards going in your career.

You must have the right credential for the goal you are aiming for. If you need an education or special training for your chosen profession, then put plans in place and work out the steps you will take to obtain it.

Take into account what you want in the way of a family. You will need to calculate when you will want children and how many you would like so you can plan your career around that. Take some time to think about what your parenting style would be and how you would plan time for family members.

You need personal financial freedom to be happy that you have reached your goal. When you work out how much you will earn, you will also want to allocate some of that for savings. Then look at what your optimum earning would be and whether that is achievable in your chosen career.

If you are naturally talented at sport, your goal may be to strive to be part of a national league or club. You need to honestly assess your abilities and write a plan for training and other steps you need to take to achieve your dream. Even if you are disabled in some way you can still reach sport related goals in your desired field.

You need balance in your life, so don't only plan your future for your career. Make sure you allow time for exercise, fun, friends and relaxation as part of your future strategies.

The best way to work out your life long plans is to break it up into smaller parts. Try working out what you want for the next twenty-five years, then separate that plan into five and one year goals. When you have it down to years, you can look at monthly, weekly and daily.

From there you can make up to do lists for each day.

You should continuously update your goals and targets to be in line with your current situations. Once you are used to setting goals, it will become much easier for you.

Leon Edward helps others Improve IQ, Memory, Focus, Concentration,
Creativity, Public Speaking, Reading Speed, Time Management and Even
Stress Management. Learn to Superboost your brain power, optimize your
iq and improve life with his IQ Mind Brain Success Library at http://www.IQMindBrainLibrary.com/info.html

Leon Edward recommends http://www.awesomesuccess.org/
for awesome personal achievement, leadership skills, career improvment
and wealth.

Other websites from Leon Edward

http://www.awesomesuccess.org/ - Personal Development Training guide, Success University Online

http://www.justvisualizeit.net/ - Learn to Optimize Your Mind through the power of the subconscious mind and reprogramming subconscious mind

- Learn to Earn Money At Home with Online Business Ideas, Reviews and

Internet Home Business Opportunities

http://www.focusonthefamilylife.com/ - Visit Focus on the Family and Family Life infocenter for Hobbies, Travel, Best Articles on the Web Daily, Christian Music and Christian Bookstore .


Brain Enhancement Techniques For a Better You

Many people are considered geniuses from birth. During their lifetime they greatly impact the world by revelations or creative ideas. You may not have been born a genius but you still have the same potential. This does not mean you have to be Beethoven or Einstein, you can still reach your potential. Your intelligent capacity just has to be maximized.

You can practice different skills that will expand your brainpower. Mastering these skills will help make you more efficient and expand your thinking and processing abilities.

What Are The Benefits of Brain Enhancement?

The first advantage is making problem solving easier. Your ability to comprehend and process information will speed up. The way you relate to others will improve as you become more confident.

Being able to enhance the thinking functioning of your brain is a good goal to set for yourself.

Ways to Improve Your Brain

Brain improvement can be done through a variety of skills. To help you succeed in your quest to effectively sharpen your mental skills consider the following ideas:

1. Keep Your Body In Shape

Having a health body helps the brain function at it's top potential. This is one of the most important things you can do to help your mind. The energy your brain needs comes from your body. Making your body weak through factors like stress, lack of sleep and bad eating habits, not only slow your body down but it also impedes the functions of your mind.

So it is important before you begin mental exercises that you get your body tuned up and running effectively.

Try to stay away from stress, eat healthy and get enough rest each night. This will help to maximize your potential.

2. Get Your Mind Working

Get your mind stimulate buy engaging in topics that interest you. Visualizing your new ideas helps engage your mind fully and will hold your attention longer. Try reading a new book or try a crossword puzzle.

3. Research Things You Are Interested In

Thought affirmations are very effective. You can make your self feel more intelligent by believing that you are more intelligent. Use positive reinforcement to help with this.

Taking positive action is even more helpful. You can begin by researching topics that interest you therefore expanding your horizons. So dive in and become more creative instead of just thinking that you are creative.

4. Try Writing about Things

Writing is a very good way to learn to increase your ability to remember things. You can also learn a great deal of new information. It makes your brain learn to clarify and bring ideas together in a coherent manner.

To give your brain a good boost you can try jotting down some notes, keeping a diary, writing daily journal entries, or try dabbling with some poetry. Not only will you become more analytical you will also become more creative.

5. Listen to Classic Music

According to Studies listening to the right type of music will allow your brain to process information better and become more receptive to that information. Listening to classical music composed by Mozart or Beethoven is highly recommended.

6. Aromatherapy can help

Using aromatherapy, as many people claim, makes your mind relax allowing it to be more receptive to facts and ideas. One herb that particularly helps the brain is rosemary. Studies show your brain function actually increases with this herb.

What's it All Mean?

To do these steps make sure you start with having the correct attitude. It may take some effort but the results from enhancing your brainpower will be worth it. You will definitely reap the rewards when you maximize your potential.

Leon Edward helps others Improve IQ, Memory, Focus, Concentration,
Creativity, Public Speaking, Reading Speed, Time Management and Even
Stress Management. Learn to Superboost your brain power, optimize your
iq and improve life with his IQ Mind Brain Success Library at http://www.IQMindBrainLibrary.com/info.html

Leon Edward recommends http://newoffer.successuniversity.com/
for awesome personal achievement, leadership skills, career improvment
and wealth.

Other websites from Leon Edward

http://www.awesomesuccess.org/ - Personal Development Training guide, Success University Online

http://www.justvisualizeit.net/ - Learn to Optimize Your Mind through the power of the subconscious mind and reprogramming subconscious mind

- Learn to Earn Money At Home with Online Business Ideas, Reviews and

Internet Home Business Opportunities

http://www.focusonthefamilylife.com/ - Visit Focus on the Family and Family Life infocenter for Hobbies, Travel, Best Articles on the Web Daily, Christian Music and Christian Bookstore .


Students Improve Focus and Concentration - Studying For Exams

For many students, when exams are announced, a fear overcomes them. A sense of dread fills them and they panic. This is due in part because exams are a very stressful time for many students. The fear of getting a bad grade, or worse failing the exam forces the student to literally keep their nose in a book, studying hour after hour, for weeks on end.

Perhaps the worst part of knowing an exam is approaching. The pressure builds and it makes if difficult to concentrate on studying. To study successfully, and retain what you have read, requires extreme concentration. This is called productive studying. Believe it or not, it is not as easy as it sounds.

Many people find that the pressure of upcoming exams stunts their power of concentration. They are unable to focus on just one subject long enough to retain the information necessary to pass the exams. There are some steps that you can take to assist you in concentrating.

The first thing you should do is to find a quiet place to study. Do not sit in the living room with the television on, you will find yourself watching TV instead of studying. This is the number on distraction for teenagers. Another big distraction is trying to study with music on in the background. You need a quiet place where you will not be disturbed by siblings or normal household activities. Those who say they can study better with music on do not realize that they are actually creating a distraction for themselves.

When you find a quiet place to study, make sure that you will be comfortable and the lighting is adequate. You do not want to strain your eyes trying to read, it will only give you a headache. You also do not want to study in the cellar or garage; these places usually are musty and can distract you from studying from a subconscious level.

When you choose a place to study, it is not recommended that you study outdoors. On a beautiful spring day, you may find yourself taking a catnap instead of studying. Drinking a beverage that has caffeine in it may help you to stay awake. You are also chancing running into friends that may also distract you from studying. Choosing the perfect place to study is crucial to your concentration. It should be well lit and well ventilated, with nothing to stimulate your senses at all.

It is important that you study one subject at a time. You may also be hurting your chances of retaining what you have studied when it is time to take your exam you are risking failure. Studying multiple subjects at the same time will only aid in confusing you, and when you take your exam, you may get the subjects confused.

It is important that you develop good study habits in your early school years. As you go up in grades it will become more difficult because you will have more subjects to study. Concentration is the key to good study habits. These habits will follow you through your adult life. When you create good study habits, you are increasing power of concentration that is necessary in everyday life.



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- Leon Edward

Leon Edward helps others Improve IQ, Memory, Focus, Concentration,
Creativity, Public Speaking, Reading Speed, Time Management and Even
Stress Management. Learn to Superboost your brain power, optimize your
iq and improve life with his IQ Mind Brain Success Library at http://www.IQMindBrainLibrary.com/info.html

Leon Edward recommends http://www.awesomesuccess.org/
for awesome personal achievement, leadership skills, career improvment
and wealth.

Other websites from Leon Edward

http://www.awesomesuccess.org/ - Personal Development Training guide, Success University Online

http://www.justvisualizeit.net/ - Learn to Optimize Your Mind through the power of the subconscious mind and reprogramming subconscious mind

- Learn to Earn Money At Home with Online Business Ideas, Reviews and

Internet Home Business Opportunities

http://www.focusonthefamilylife.com/ - Visit Focus on the Family and Family Life infocenter for Hobbies, Travel, Best Articles on the Web Daily, Christian Music and Christian Bookstore .


Tools To Help You Focus And Concentrate On Your Goals And Objectives In Business And Employment

For some people, meeting objectives and goals can be difficult. If you are one of the millions of people who have trouble with focus and concentration, don't give up; by following simple guidelines; there is hope for you to reach the goals that you have set for yourself.

The place in which you work has its own atmosphere. The office or cubicle in which you work should reflect your personality. It should be quiet, and you should have an adequate, clean workspace, however, if you are going to spend your time there, you should want to be there. When you have this type of environment, you are more likely to accomplish a lot more work.

It has been proven that music has ability to help you focus on the task at hand. The genre of the music is up to the person listening to it. Music can make the everyday distractions that cause you to loose focus, disappear. It is recommended however that you use earphones, as other people may not share the same taste in music.

There are a lot of ways to improve your focus and concentration. If you are unable to do it on your own, workshops and seminars are available in many cities and towns across the country. They are designed to assist you in developing your focus and concentration skills.

If at the end of a long day, you find that you do not have the time or energy to attend a workshop or seminar, you can visit your local bookstore to find thousands of books lining the shelves on the subject improving focus and concentration.

When you feel your focus is slipping, a good way to get it back is to take a bath instead of a shower before work. A shower is usually short, while you can lounge and soak in a bath. You will emerge feeling refreshed and you may find that the stress you had went down the drain with the bath water.

It is a proven fact that when you are hungry, you focus and concentration suffer. While dieting can help you loose weight, it can also decrease your concentration levels. It is important that you eat breakfast, healthy or not, it will assist you to focus better.

The power of positive thinking is very much underestimated in todays society. Self-affirmation can stimulate your brain and give you the boost that you need to focus better. It has been proven to work.

Saying positive phrases to yourself over and over again will unconsciously help you to convince yourself that it is true. There is no greater power than believing in yourself.

Believe it or not, breathing can actually help reduce the stress that you feel. When you are less stressed you are able to focus better. There are certain breathing exercises that you can learn to assist you in developing better focus and concentration.

It is important to have the right tools to improve your concentration. It is more important that you use them. Having the right attitude will also assist you in making sure that your focus and concentration is on track. This in turn will have favorable results with your boss.

Leon Edward helps others Improve IQ, Memory, Focus, Concentration,
Creativity, Public Speaking, Reading Speed, Time Management and Even
Stress Management. Learn to Superboost your brain power, optimize your
iq and improve life with his IQ Mind Brain Success Library at http://www.IQMindBrainLibrary.com/info.html

Leon Edward recommends http://www.awesomesuccess.org/
for awesome personal achievement, leadership skills, career improvment
and wealth.

Other websites from Leon Edward

http://www.awesomesuccess.org/ - Personal Development Training guide, Success University Online

http://www.justvisualizeit.net/ - Learn to Optimize Your Mind through the power of the subconscious mind and reprogramming subconscious mind

- Learn to Earn Money At Home with Online Business Ideas, Reviews and

Internet Home Business Opportunities

http://www.focusonthefamilylife.com/ - Visit Focus on the Family and Family Life infocenter for Hobbies, Travel, Best Articles on the Web Daily, Christian Music and Christian Bookstore .


Discover These Successful Methods Of Faster Learning

Life is an extensive voyage of discovery. In order to make your lifetime a meaningful one, you must have wisdom and understanding.

This is why learning is a vital means by which people can advance themselves. It is this knowledge that will help you to become a better person.

Learning is not just for students. It is vital for self-improvement. Everyone must gain the ability to deal with the realities of day-to-day life. There is always the potential for development. For example:

You might be on a holiday in a foreign country and you have to know a few phrases in the native language to be able to get around.

You may be promoted to a new post in your current place of work and need to acquire new skills.

You might have children who need your help with their homework.

All of these scenarios could occur in your life and all of them need a certain level of knowledge and the ability to learn new skills. Accelerated learning can be extremely useful in helping you to cope with your changing responsibilities.

What is Accelerated Learning?

Accelerated learning is an approach that is supported by research carried out by specialists by experts into the human mind and the best methods that can be used to obtain knowledge in the shortest space of time.

To achieve the best results requires exercising the emotional and analytical sections of the brain. It is a form of mental Olympics. Doing these exercises also benefits the subconscious and conscious parts of our minds.

It is not possible to provide an in depth account here of how accelerated learning actually works without delving into highly technical theories. The most important point is useful method to use and is worth learning.

How do you Perform Accelerated Learning?

Bearing in mind the enormity and significance of education in this modern time, you will certainly want to study accelerated learning to develop your persona and individuality.

Here are some of the successful methods for you to use:

1. Be Receptive to Learning
Some people believe that they do not have the right background for education. If you have a functioning brain then you have the capacity to learn.

Constantly remind yourself that you are open to new information. This outlook will make you receptive to the bits and pieces that you need to read or hear.

Do not be afraid of your current lack of knowledge. These are just new items for you to find out. Take pleasure in the experience. There is no need to be frightened.

2. Training for your Education

Most people need a particular environment before they can be open to learning. Some require peace and quiet and want to be alone. Others would like to be in a group and have academic stimulus or prefer music and loud noise.

You have to to discover your own ideal atmosphere that best encourages your body and mind for learning in order to make the most of your time and hard work. This might take a bit of trial and error, but once you find that convivial setting, you can't go wrong.

3. Listen Passively and Actively

You can also discover the various methods of learning on offer today. There are active ways of learning, such as attending seminars and lectures. You can also make the most of your spare time by learning from your environment.

Sometimes, even if you are not paying attention, listening passively can have an effect on your mind. You can listen to news as you do your everyday jobs. There are people who listen to recordings when they are asleep to learn a new language. Even if you are not paying attention to it, your mind can absorb some of the pieces that may be useful later.

You can also try to actively scrutinize and listen to your environment. This may require a concerted effort, particularly when you are short of time.

4. Use the Power of Music

Music can have astonishing effects on your body and mind. Pick the songs that boost your mood and speed up your learning.

Many think that classical Baroque music is extremely useful in enhancing the emotional growth of the brain. It can even improve the health of the heart. You may want to give it a go.


Become an improved you by concentrating on accelerated learning. Use these valuable steps and you will unquestionably love the outcome.

- Leon Edward
Leon Edward helps others Improve IQ, Memory, Focus, Concentration,
Creativity, Public Speaking, Reading Speed, Time Management and Even
Stress Management. Learn to Superboost your brain power, optimize your
iq and improve life with his IQ Mind Brain Success Library at http://www.IQMindBrainLibrary.com/info.html

Leon Edward recommends http://www.awesomesuccess.org/
for awesome personal achievement, leadership skills, career improvment
and wealth.

Other websites from Leon Edward

http://www.awesomesuccess.org/ - Personal Development Training guide, Success University Online

http://www.justvisualizeit.net/ - Learn to Optimize Your Mind through the power of the subconscious mind and reprogramming subconscious mind

- Learn to Earn Money At Home with Online Business Ideas, Reviews and

Internet Home Business Opportunities

http://www.focusonthefamilylife.com/ - Visit Focus on the Family and Family Life infocenter for Hobbies, Travel, Best Articles on the Web Daily, Christian Music and Christian Bookstore .


Enhancing Brain Power Through Mind Puzzles For Career Success

In society today and the business world, the more you use your mind, the better your success will be. When you have outstanding mind and brain skills and IQ confidence usually follows. Employers hire and promote often the person who masters these characteristics better then a very competitive workforce today.

A great way to keep your brain in shape is mind puzzles and brainteasers. These fun mind games are found everywhere. They are in magazines and store check out counters, they are even in newspapers across the country. They not only give you a break from a stressful day, they actually stimulate your mind.

Playing a mind game such as a cryptogram, you are increasing your reasoning skills. When you figure out which letter should be replaced with another, you are strengthening a skill that you need in everyday life.

Another skill that is developed by playing mind puzzles is your powers of deduction. When you play a puzzle that is filled with bizarre twists, using the process of elimination will no doubt assist you in solving the puzzle

When you use mind puzzles and brainteasers, you also increasing your ability to use powers of logic to solve an otherwise impossible puzzle. These games may seem like a pleasant diversion in an otherwise chaotic life, but in reality, they actually keep your mind stimulated into drawing a legitimate conclusion.

You can gain mental stability when you play mind puzzles for a certain amount of time each day. When you use different types of games, it is assured that you will acquire the correct mental skills.

Using mind puzzles such as crossword puzzles can increase your vocabulary over and over again. With a crossword puzzle, you are not only learning a new word, you are learning the definition and how to use it in a sentence.

Once you are experienced at playing mind puzzles and brainteasers, you can step it up a bit to make it more exciting. If you start timing your games, you can add a whole new level of excitement and test your limits even further.

When you play mind puzzles, you are increasing your ability to think fast. When you complete a mind puzzle a day, you will notice you have gained a sense of security and you will also see the difference in your problem solving skills in a relatively short amount of time.

Mind puzzles provide you with the tools to improve your skills in specific areas. Problem solving is the number one skill that many people do not use to its fullest potential. When you have honed your skills, many of the problems that seem insurmountable in the past will be a breeze to solve.

The skills that mind puzzles develop are the skills that employers are looking for to fill to level positions. When you have the skills, confidence usually follows and employers notice all of these qualities.

Think Faster and Smarter

Leon Edward helps others Improve IQ, Memory, Focus, Concentration, Creativity, Public Speaking, Reading Speed, Time Management and Even Stress Management. Learn to Superboost your brain power, optimize your iq and improve life with his IQ Mind Brain Success Library at http://www.IQMindBrainLibrary.com/info.html


Clear Thinking and Decision Making Tips That Can Reduce Stress

Every day, we are faced with a multitude of decisions. Some are subconscious decisions (Looking left or right, or lifting your foot to climb the stairs) while others use your thought process to make the correct decision (Choosing a video or what to cook for dinner) Believe it or not, it takes your body's energy to make a decision.

There are times when we can be bombarded with decisions. Whether it is at work or in our personal lives the decisions that are made can have a great impact on the way we live. When you make what seems like a million decisions all at once, it can make you be very draining.

It is important that you are clear headed before you make any decisions. When you make decisions in haste or without thinking about the outcome or what the repercussion could be, you could be setting yourself up for more trouble.

Decide How You Decide

According to experts in the field of teaching executive through the decision making process, there are four different types of decision-making people.

A commander is classified as a person who is not patient. Being a commander can results in decisions that are made in haste and often foolish decisions.

Convincers are classified as people who act on their emotion. They decide on what feels good sort of like a gut instinct. They tend to be persuaded into making decisions; sometimes they are not in their best interests.

People who make decisions that are based on their concern for others feeling are classified as being carers, and as such, they tend to take a long time to make their decisions taking into consideration the feelings of all involved.

A person who needs to have all information, no matter how long it takes to collect is considered a calculator. This type of person usually takes an unusually amount of time to make their decision because the information that they request cannot be collected completely.

It is recommended that you make any of your decisions carefully. Take a step back and consider how others will view your decision and take the necessary steps to make the correct decisions.

There are several things that you need to take into consideration before making potentially life-changing decisions. There are rules that apply to all of the decision-making types.

Anyone can tell you that in order to make the correct decision you need to have as much information as possible. It is also important to ask as many questions as it takes for you to be comfortable in making that decision. When you think that you can make an informed take a moment to analyze the information and try to find anything that can be misconstrued or can backfire on you in the future.

Another problem that is common among decision makers is that they have an either-or-attitude. With this type of attitude, your options a limited. Usually, there is a vast array of answers to be found.

Another common problem is that we tend to make many decisions with an either-or attitude. This limits our options when, in reality, there are usually more answers facing us. It is important to use common sense when you make your decisions. You know right from wrong from the values that you have, use this when you make your decisions.

You waste a lot of energy when you try to work through the decision making process without having the right information. However, if you keep your mind on what is important you will find that it is much easier to make the important decisions.

Keeping notes, whether it is mental or on paper, will assist you in becoming more organized.