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Solid Tips To Keep Your Memory In Peak Condition

Keeping the memory in good condition is a vital part of the brain’s function. Every now and then, our actions greatly depend on a lot of information we retrieve from our memory bank. Such information can either be short term (such as specific tasks that we have to do) or long term (such as the ability to drive a car or repeat an instruction we read from a book). While long-term memory may come spontaneously without too much effort when the need arises, short-term memory requires recalling information from the accumulation of things stored in our memory. This is why you need to keep your memory in great shape to achieve efficiency in your daily endeavors:

• Keep your attention focused on the needed information to be stored in your memory bank. Even with distractions around you, stay focused on the subject. The more concentrated you are on the information, the better the chances of retaining it in your memory.

• Utilize the most ideal sense or senses when gathering the information. This what we call acuity in sensing our environment. Be aware of the color or details of a picture, or the particular sound or smell of the thing involved. All our bodily senses are attuned to collect information depending on the circumstance at hand. While our sense of vision may be the most used in gathering information, our senses of hearing, smell, taste, and touch are equally important and helpful in remembering things, situations, and information about something or someone.

• When you’re not sure that the information you are about to remember would really be retained by your brain, it would be better to write the information. This could be proven effective especially in gathering very long and tedious information like lecture notes or a personal interview. Just be sure you don’t forget that you have a note at hand; and of course, don’t misplace the note.

• Maintain a balance diet. A well-proportioned diet will result to a conditioned memory. Oily and sweet foods may cloud the memory. If you cannot completely eliminate a bad diet, gradually cut down your intake of these memory-inhibiting foods. Doing it gradually cushions the effect of withdrawal symptoms and you’ll get adjusted to the new lifestyle you are creating. This is not only beneficial to the memory, but we can say you’re on your way to a healthy life. Drinking lots of water brings lots of advantages to your overall health, and memory is not an exception.

• Don’t deprive yourself with enough rest and sleep. Having enough sleep does not condone laziness; oversleeping does. So don’t feel guilty resting or sleeping as long as it is not overdone. You need it badly to keep you revitalized from the tiresome demand of work.

• Take time to relax. Breathe deeply if you must. Keep your thoughts organized before acting on them. Keep away from stress and anxiety. It may be impossible to completely eliminate stress since it is part of our challenging generation, but try to keep it down as much as possible. Stress may bring your memory into its inefficient level. Avoid the habit of saying to yourself that you might forget things, because you’re more likely to if you do. This just builds your anxiety level up to its panic mode.

• Stay positive, creative, and energetic. Your memory needs to be within a circle of various things. Things that come in various shapes, sizes, and colors can motivate your creativity. This is a positive way of discovering your surroundings in all its variations and diversities. Avoid being enclosed within the four walls of your room just like you’re a prisoner. The only time to be enclosed is when you have to rest or sleep. Don’t be a couch potato. There’s a very exciting world out there waiting to improve your memory.

The very best way to improve your memory is between infancy and adolescent. As we grow old, memory starts to fail. But a strong memory that we can develop during the prime years of our lives will definitely enhance us to be good thinkers. This can be done by continuously exercising our memory through reading and other cognitive activities like the habit of solving crossword puzzles. The more you do these, the better memory retention is developed.

As far as health is concerned, high blood pressure can lead to stroke and heart ailments. It also results to poor memory retention. Memory function declines when blood pressure is high. Researchers have observed that people with normal blood pressure, especially at midlife, have a higher cognitive function. Concentration, decision-making, and remembering functions falter as a result of high blood pressure. What is healthy for the body is likewise healthy for the memory.

Leon Edward helps others Increase IQ, Memory, Focus, Concentration,
Creativity, Public Speaking, Reading Speed, Time Management and Even
Stress Management. Learn to Superboost your brain power, optimize your
iq and improve life with his IQ Mind Brain Success Library at


InstantIQTest.com - Take the IQ Test. Click Here

- Leon Edward also has a personal development website http://www.awesomesuccess.org/ for awesome personal development training online - Streaming Video Audio Webucation,leadership development , career improvement skills and wealth.

Other websites from Leon Edward include:

http://www.justvisualizeit.net/ - Learn to Optimize Your Mind through the power of the subconscious mind and reprogramming subconscious mind

http://www.homebusinessit.com/ internet home businss ideas, opportunities and free training

- Learn to Earn Money At Home with Online Business Ideas, Home Business Reviews
learn how to
get grants to start a business

Development Training
guide, Success University Online

http://www.focusonthefamilylife.com/ - Visit Focus on the Family and Family Life infocenter for Hobbies, Travel, Best Articles on the Web Daily, Christian Music
and Christian Bookstore


“One reason so few of us achieve what we truly want is that we never

“One reason so few of us achieve what we truly want is that we never
direct our focus; we never concentrate our power. Most people dabble their way
through life, never deciding to master anything in particular. In fact, I believe
most people fail in life simply because they major in minor things.” - Anthony

Did you know that you have about 50,000 thoughts every day? Those
thoughts actually create the world you live in. You have the power to create any
kind of world you desire; you are in control of that world and your thoughts. It’s
totally up to you which thoughts you will entertain, give energy to, and expand
upon every day.

Concentrating means intense mental focusing on these thoughts each
day, giving them your complete attention. And this requires practice.
You’ve seen them—the successful business men and women, the gold
medal winning athletes, the leaders of society, the teachers of the year. What is
the common denominator? These people have learned how to focus their minds
on the task in front of them. They don’t just concentrate; they have learned how
to use their attention like a laser beam, hitting the mark every time. They don’t
allow themselves to become distracted or confused. And they practice this
intense focusing every day.

Unfortunately, most of us don’t possess that kind of focus and
concentration. We try, but just can’t seem to hone in on a task with that kind of
power. How would you describe yourself? Are you distracted, mentally confused,
scatterbrained, or maybe just a daydreamer? We are too easily distracted by the
events and circumstances around us. We moan that if we could just get our act
together and really concentrate, we could accomplish anything. The trouble is,
the more we think about really concentrating, the less we are actually able to
bring it into being; it becomes terribly elusive. The average person can
concentrate to a certain degree, some of the time; but for the most part, our
thoughts are scattered, with our minds racing from one thought to the next, not
even in a logical progression. I call that ‘mental leapfrog.’ Many times, we can’t
even remember how we got to a particular thought; we can’t follow the
progression in our minds.

So what is concentration? The Merriam-Webster Dictionary describes
concentration as a direction of attention to a single object. We need the ability to
regulate our thoughts, to point them undeviatingly in a straight course.
What keeps you from concentrating on your many tasks? The simplest
answer is that life itself can prohibit your ability to focus on a task, to the
exclusion of everything else. Many people pride themselves on their ability to
multitask, claiming they are highly productive every day. However, that’s still a
split focus. Only a part of your attention is actually on each task; you are also
thinking of all the other things you must accomplish and your mind races from
one thing to another, helter-skelter.
In this report, I’m going to show you how to:
• Focus your attention on specific tasks.
• Concentrate even when you don’t feel like it.
• Concentrate despite distractions all around you.
• Be more confident by using your ability to concentrate.
• Improve your ability to listen and study.
• Improve your memory.
We all have the ability to focus at least part of the time. Learning to
concentrate is simply another skill we can learn. And like any other skill, it takes
practice to master it. Make a personal commitment to learn this skill and you will
enhance all aspects of your life—relationships, business, career and finances.
“The amount of real learning that takes place is directly proportional to our
ability to concentrate or focus our attention on any one thing for a period of time.”
- Joel & Michelle Levey

Leon Edward helps others Increase IQ, Memory, Focus, Concentration,
Creativity, Public Speaking, Reading Speed, Time Management and Even
Stress Management. Learn to Superboost your brain power, optimize your
iq and improve life with his IQ Mind Brain Success Library at


- Leon Edward also has a personal development website http://www.awesomesuccess.org/ for awesome personal development training online - Streaming Video Audio Webucation,leadership development , career improvement skills and wealth.

Other websites from Leon Edward include:

http://www.justvisualizeit.net/ - Learn to Optimize Your Mind through the power of the subconscious mind and reprogramming subconscious mind

http://www.homebusinessit.com/ internet home businss ideas, opportunities and free training

- Learn to Earn Money At Home with Online Business Ideas, Home Business Reviews
learn how to
get grants to start a business

Development Training
guide, Success University Online

http://www.focusonthefamilylife.com/ - Visit Focus on the Family and Family Life infocenter for Hobbies, Travel, Best Articles on the Web Daily, Christian Music
and Christian Bookstore


Improve Focus and Concentration Plan

You think you figured out what is keeping you from focusing on work or school studies and you have dealt with it. You found that nice quiet place to do your work or you have figured out how to control the things around you to the point where you can focus. You have also learned to stop doing things like procrastinating and have learned to control stress and anxiety.

However, after everything you have done to get your mind to focus you are still having problems with your mind swimming with all kinds of thoughts. It does not matter how hard you try, if fact the more you try to concentrate on what you are doing the more you find that you cannot focus. Therefore, you find yourself looking through the widow or deep in thought while your project still needs to be finished.

Most of the time it is because we have not properly thought of the ultimate goal that keeps us from concentrating. If you do not know what it is that you want or need to do it can be a little tough to get started right? I mean, you can't take a successful road trip if you do not know which direction you want to go in or at least where you want to go.

So now is the time to sit down and set your goals, decide where it is you want to go and what it is that you want to do. If you find that your goal is a little hard to reach, just break it down into smaller goals that do not seem so overwhelming. You have to have a plan in order to get anywhere in life; even the smallest tasks need to have a plan of completion.

Having a plan can help you to easily overcome the overwhelmed feeling you have, which in turn will help you concentrate on the task at hand. The thing is, you know what it is that you want, you know how to get what it is that you want and you know how to get to that point. If you follow the plan you will get to the place you need to be in order to get what it is that you are looking for.

Now you have all that figured out. You have your goals set and you have you plan all planned out but wait, your assignment still has to be done and your thoughts are still scattered. You are still finding it hard to focus on the task at hand and getting it all your thoughts in order. If you still find you head swimming with thoughts it may be best to write all them down.

You can even try keeping a journal, this can help you decide what it is that you are really focusing on and then learn how to direct that focus where you need it to be. It would be really nice if we could all focus with the sharpness of a laser on the task at hand but unfortunately, it is unlikely that anyone can be as sharply focused as a laser.

When you are trying to focus on the project at hand and all other thoughts seem to be disabling us from doing so it is time to relax and find yourself in the Alpha State of mind where the mind is most creative. There are many things that we need to learn in order to keep our minds focused on the things that we need it to focus on.

We need to learn to block thoughts that are unwanted, keep our minds from being overwhelmed, make our attention spans longer, switch from one certain project to another and keep our minds from wondering around to other things.

Leon Edward helps others Increase IQ, Memory, Focus, Concentration,
Creativity, Public Speaking, Reading Speed, Time Management and Even
Stress Management. Learn to Superboost your brain power, optimize your
iq and improve life with his IQ Mind Brain Success Library at


- Leon Edward also has a personal development website http://www.awesomesuccess.org/ for awesome personal development training online - Streaming Video Audio Webucation,leadership development , career improvement skills and wealth.

Other websites from Leon Edward include:

http://www.justvisualizeit.net/ - Learn to Optimize Your Mind through the power of the subconscious mind and reprogramming subconscious mind

http://www.homebusinessit.com/ internet home businss ideas, opportunities and free training

- Learn to Earn Money At Home with Online Business Ideas, Home Business Reviews
learn how to
get grants to start a business

Development Training
guide, Success University Online

http://www.focusonthefamilylife.com/ - Visit Focus on the Family and Family Life infocenter for Hobbies, Travel, Best Articles on the Web Daily, Christian Music
and Christian Bookstore