Leon Edward helps people improve Brain Health and brain power, focus, memory, concentration, IQ, creativity, learn to speed read and how to reduce harmful stress to your brain all at his website Increase IQ where you can play scientifically proven brain games online, search articles, review brain improvement resources including CDs, MP3s, PDFs and the latest brain improvement technology resources.

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Focus and Concentration - A Must for Doctors

Sickness is something that can not be completely avoided. Everyone knows this to be the truth. At some point or another, everyone gets sick enough to need the help of a doctor. Anyone who hasn't, may have a problem that has gone undetected. So, there is just no truth to the old saying "an apple a day keeps the doctor away."

Being a doctor is very difficult because he/she has to always be organized and there is no margin for error. The reason for this is because of the life or death decisions that are the daily reality of being a doctor. Unlike casino gambling where casual risks are acceptable, a doctor can't gamble casually with a patient's life. It goes against everything he/she has been taught to practice in thought and deed. People in the medical profession are there because they have the desire and are trained competently to preserve life and not to casually waste it.

Needed Tools Prepared in Advance

Before a patient ever enters the operating room, the doctor will make sure all the instruments needed for the procedure are in their proper place and sterile. He/she won't have to actually do this job because there are nurses and scrub techs that set up all the items necessary. The doctor still needs to make sure that all is in proper order, though before beginning the procedure..

Once surgery has started, it can't be stopped in the middle because the forceps or surgical sponges are either not on the tray or are in the wrong position and not easily accessible. Such an occurrence would waste time and result on more bleeding than is necessary. Since the life of the patient is in the doctor's hands, he/she must use time wisely to maximize the patient's good outcome.

The doctor must know exactly every instrument that will be needed during surgery so he/she can quickly see if any are missing or in the wrong position. Incompetence is not something that can be afforded in this situation.

Narrow Beam Focus

The doctor also needs to keep his/her focus on the immediate point of concern. If the patient is having a hot gall bladder removed, it is not the time to be examining the duodenum. That can wait until after the gall bladder has been remove and the area completely taken care of.

The surgery could become unnecessarily complicated if the surgeon's focus strays from the task at hand. He/she must stay focused on the gall bladder or it could rupture if its removal is delayed because of a lack of focus.

Once concentration is diverted to another area, such as the appendix, a rupture could occur, causing severe infection and even loss of life. So losing concentration and focus would be considered an inexcusable error

During medical training, doctors learn to keep a narrow focus in surgical and non-surgical cures and treatments. For this reason, a well-trained doctor is one that can be trusted when you get sick and need medical help.

Even so, there are still time when doctors make errors. Some have managed to complete training even though they are incompetent. These are doctors who should not be in the medical profession and really should look into a career change that would be a better fit. The medical profession is not the place for a casual attitude in focus and concentration.

The ability to focus and concentrate intensely is required of doctors. No one can be successful as a doctor without these attributes. If you have aspirations of becoming a doctor, work on developing the ability to stay intensely focused and concentrated on the task in front of you. This is especially important is you dream of becoming a surgeon.

Leon Edward helps others Improve IQ, Memory, Focus, Concentration, Creativity, Public Speaking, Reading Speed, Time Management and Even Stress Management. Learn to Superboost your brain power, optimize your iq and improve life with his IQ Mind Brain Success Library at http://www.IQMindBrainLibrary.com/info.html

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Tips for Laser Like Focus and Concentration

When you set goals for yourself, whether is in school or the workforce, it is important that you concentrate on the task at hand to obtain those objectives. For millions of people, it is not that easy. It is difficult to obtain your objectives if you do not know what they are.

It is necessary to define what your goals are. This will assist you obtaining them. When you have clear and concise objectives, you will be able to focus and concentrate better. When you take on too many tasks at one time, you are setting yourself up for failure. Overwhelming yourself with too many tasks will inhibit your ability to focus because you will stress about getting everything done on time.

Doing one thing at a time will help you to concentrate better. If the task that you have is a big one, breaking it down in segments will assist you in completing more competently. Focus on the segment that you are working on and not the whole project.

Concentrating on the task in front of you will allow you to complete it correctly with very little stress, and more often than not, you can complete it before the deadline. No matter who you are, expect the unexpected. There are no guarantees that you are going to have a error proof life.

Obstacles always crop up and you need to be prepared to handle whatever is thrown at you in order to meet your goals. Distractions are all around us everyday, being able to shut them out and concentrate on your task will assist you in completing it quickly and efficiently.

Success and recognition is gained over time. Nothing worth having is easy. You need to be able to concentrate and do the very best that you can in everything that you do. It is important that you do not give in to stress, it will only slow you down and concentration will be difficult if not impossible. Sometimes taking a short break will help you to regain your focus and concentration.

You may find that by doing this, your focus will improve. To be a success, sacrifice is sometimes required. It is like an exchange. You will give up one thing to gain another. You just need to make sure that what you give up is worth what you are gaining. If you have a job that requires you to focus intensely on your task, you may want to remove the telephone from your desk, as each time it rings, your concentration is broken.

When you remove the daily distractions you are doing something that can help you to focus on your job. Putting things off is the number one cause of stress. When you put things off, they tend to creep up on you all at once and you find yourself with a multitude of tasks that need to be finished all at once.

This not only causes stress that leads to loss of concentration, it also can cause you to become overwhelmed with work, and that can lead difficulties in focusing. When you do what you are supposed to do at the time you are supposed to do it, you will find that your concentration will be stronger.

Leon Edward helps others Improve IQ, Memory, Focus, Concentration, Creativity, Public Speaking, Reading Speed, Time Management and Even Stress Management. Learn to Superboost your brain power, optimize your iq and improve life with his IQ Mind Brain Success Library at http://www.IQMindBrainLibrary.com/info.html

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Optimizing Your I.Q. and Maximizing the Brain's Potential

Everyone has heard of an IQ test. The potential of the brain is called intelligence quotient or I.Q. These tests use the theories of unitary and multiple, which is believed to the two main theories when studying the brain

Unitary refers to the part of the brain where the linguistic and mathematical capacities and confined them to that area. While the multiply theory include the parts of the brain that use visual/ spatial, musical/rhythmic, body/kinesthetic, interpersonal or intrapersonal development.

It has been determined that there is only three ways to increase your brains potential.

You first have to determine what you are good at. Very few people are good at everything. A person is considered intelligent whether their skill is derived from music, visual, body, or intrapersonal, intelligence.

Most people possess these skills and probably do not even realize it. If you are a creative person at heart, try your hand at writing, acting or singing.

You may be amazed at how well you do. Some people are born with in affinity for numbers; you may not think it is anything special, however others may. There are so many different areas in which you the potential excel.

Gymnastics, Dancing, building or designing, you do not know what you are capable of doing until you try. You get the most amazing feeling when you accomplish something you have never done before. If you do not even try, you are doing yourself a great disservice.

Very few people are classified as geniuses. A genius is a person who has extreme intelligence. Such people include Einstein, Mozart and Bach. These brilliant men accomplished greatness through their genius. This is not to say that you have to be a genius to be successful. It simply means that you should use your brain to the fullest extent that you can. The more you try to improve yourself, the more your brain will benefit from it. When you utilize your brains potential you can achieve anything. Using your will power can point you in the right direction.

Broadening your horizons will also increase your brains potential. This is not to say that you should sit down and study the encyclopedia. When you study, you are acquiring knowledge through all five senses- touch, taste, see, smell, and taste.

You want to learn from your experiences in life, and experience everything in life. You cannot do that by studying. This is an excellent way to increase the potential of your brain.

New skills can be learned everyday.

Talent comes in two forms, either you are born with it or you learn it. The brain is like a sponge, ready to absorb everything that is brought to it. The old adage that practice makes perfect holds true.

It is not difficult to maximize the brains potential. Many people everyday do it without even realizing it. By simply reading a book, or singing along to your favorite song on the radio, you can increase your brains potential.There are many IQ tests that one can take; however, many people question the accuracy of these tests.

Leon Edward helps others Improve IQ, Memory, Focus, Concentration, Creativity, Public Speaking, Reading Speed, Time Management and Even Stress Management. Learn to Superboost your brain power, optimize your iq and improve life with his IQ Mind Brain Success Library at http://www.IQMindBrainLibrary.com

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Five Steps to Increase Your Memory

Many people have trouble being able to remember figures, phone numbers, and people's names. As a person gets older the memory will naturally deteriorate. Many people view having a weak memory as having a problem.

There is good news; you can improve your memory. This is especially true if you are younger in age.

The suggestions below are very good ideas and they can actually help you to strengthen your memory.

1. First, comprehend the information. This is your first look at the information given to you. Remain focused. Let your mind completely process the information. Open your mind and allow it to absorb all the facts and figures that it possible can.

2. Try to take the information and relate it to something that you are familiar with already. The ability to use this association technique is very helpful. Try to interconnect things that you can deeply relate to with the information that you need to remember. It does not have to be things that are even relevant to each other. You are just simply trying to give your brain the ability to recall information when you think of that "trigger".

3. Repeat the information in your mind. Now, it is time to begin using your memory. After taking in the information and relating each separate item to something, start trying to recall each of them in the correct order in your mind. Keep doing this until you get all the information correctly in the right order.

4. Take a break for a few minutes and attempt to recall the information again. Then clear your mind for three or four minutes and try recalling it one more time. Even if you are able to do this accurately keep doing this drill at least three more times. Give yourself another few minutes, and then try recalling again. If you are still able to recite the information after the third time, you can be assured that the information is now stored in your brain's long-term memory.

5. Repeat these steps over until you can remember the information on your own. If you are unsuccessful at recalling all the information given to you after the few minute break, go back and repeat step one.

Keep repeating each step until you can completely and accurately remember every single piece of information given to you. These are a few relatively quick and easy suggestions that will help you stimulate your mind and increase your memory. It is okay if you don't succeed the first few times.

Just use these tips regularly whenever you need help to memorize important information. Then, keep an eye on yourself. After a few attempts, you will see that you are now taking less time to remember the information given to you. You will be stunned at how quickly you can improve your memory's ability to recall information quickly and accurately.

Leon Edward helps others Improve IQ, Memory, Focus, Concentration, Creativity, Public Speaking, Reading Speed, Time Management and Even Stress Management. Learn to Superboost your brain power, optimize your iq and improve life with his IQ Mind Brain Memory Improvement Website at http://www.IQMindBrainLibrary.com

Download His Complete IQ Mind Brain Library At http://www.IQMindBrainLibrary.com/info.html

Other Websites from Leon Edward:

Personal Development Training and Career Success at http://www.awesomesuccess.org
Focus On The Family at http://www.focusonthefamilylife.com
The Power of The Subconscious Mind at http://www.justvisualizeit.net
Ways to earn money at home at http://www.HomeBusinessIT.com


Turbo Boost Your Brain Power

Finally, people are starting to understand! Being intelligent matters. Despite the negative stigma given to intelligent people and so called nerds, society now understands that intelligence often counts more than muscle power, especially in this day and age. Suddenly, being smart is cool. People want to develop brainpower these days. This means not just being smart in the sense of having a wealth of raw knowledge, but being smart where it counts, with practical application.

Here are five tips you can use to increase brainpower and boost your minds capacity to absorb and process information faster:

1) Choose supplements wisely

Yes, there are supplements that actually work. These may include memory-enhancement pills or medications that stave off mental fatigue for adults; there are also IQ enhancement milk supplements for children. A good number of these supplementary products on the market can actually give children a mental edge and help improve learning. Both children and adults need to follow a good, balanced diet and avoid vices that literally destroy brain cells such as smoking, drinking alcohol, and using illegal drugs. This will help keep your mind sharp over time.

2) Try speed-reading

This is a good way to bump up your learning curve. Speed-reading courses not only allow you to cover data faster, but they also train your mind to pick up visual details at a greater speed. Another benefit you'll gain by learning to speed read is that you train your brain to pick up the important details of the written text. Contrary to claims of some self-help courses, however, you cannot acquire a photographic memory if you don't have one to begin with; however, speed-reading is the next best thing for those of who were not born with a photographic memory.

3) Test yourself often!

Here is a good memory enhancement drill. A study conducted by several colleges separated students into two groups. One group was given 5 minutes to study a text, and was then immediately given three 5-minute tests. Another group was given four 5-minute periods to study the same text, but was not immediately given a test afterwards. A week later, they were all given a test on the same subject. The group that studied only once but took three tests outperformed the group that had studied the text four times but had taken no tests. The results are clear: don't try to learn by just reading. Apply the knowledge you acquire and test yourself repeatedly.

4) Do drills on some basic math drill

Drilling basic math drills by using flashcards may seem like something that belongs in grade school, but even adults can benefit from it. Face it; most of us are spoiled by having calculators to do our addition and subtraction. At its core, math embodies the purest form of logic. Letting your basic math skills deteriorate is similar to letting your logical and deductive reasoning take a downslide.

5) Take Abstract Logic Tests

There are test books available in bookstores that give extensive
tests on abstract logic. These tests present one with sets of 3 pictures; the test taker has to extrapolate from the first three pictures what the fourth logical concluding picture will be. Buy a few of these books and try them out! Abstract logic may not be a direct help in concrete learning, but it actually improves your deductive reasoning capacity.Try any of these activities and see how they boost your brainpower. Increase your minds capacity to absorb and process information faster.

Leon Edward helps others Improve IQ, Memory, Focus, Concentration, Creativity, Public Speaking, Reading Speed, Time Management and Even Stress Management. Learn to Superboost your brain power, optimize your iq and improve life with his IQ Mind Brain Success Library at http://www.IQMindBrainLibrary.com/info.html

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The Effects of Stress on the Brain

When the human body first experiences stress adrenaline takes over and causes a chain-reaction within the nervous system. The heart begins to beat faster, the sizes of the body’s blood vessels are changed, and the body actually prepares itself for a frightening or emotional event. Even though the humans that are in existence today aren’t in constant physical danger from wild predators as our pre-historic ancestors were, we still experience this familiar fight-or-flight reaction due to a great deal of different types of stressors.

There are two main types of stress experienced by humans, either chronic or that which is emergency-induced. The chronic type of stress can be particularly harmful to the brain because of hormones and chemicals referred to as glucocorticoids or GC’s. When the body experiences a rush of adrenaline which is accompanied by stress, a portion of our brain called the adrenal cortex begins to release these GC’s which are useful for dealing with the emergency-type of stressors.Chemicals such as cortisol, hydrocortisone, and corticosterone act together to increase the production of glucose, constrict blood vessels and essentially help our brains deal with or regulate stress. The GC’s tell our brain either to calm down or to boost its levels of awareness and reaction in order to deal with the issue at hand. These glucocorticoids also affect memory functioning, especially in the hippocampus region of the brain.

While the GC’s may help us remember frightening or stressful events so that we are better able to deal with them in the future, they can also be harmful to the delicate neurons of the brain. Prolonged periods of stress or depression may actually lead to the damage or even the death of certain neurons, especially those within the memory center of the brain.It’s important to remember that different people react differently to stressors; one person may be able to move on from a trying event while another may suffer from serious psychological effects from a similar event or situation.

Learning if your stress is chronic or acute is critical for counteracting the negative affects it has on the brain. Those people who are prone to anger, anxiety, depression, and who suffer from low self-esteem are far more likely to experience damage to the brain than their calmer, more relaxed peers.Most every one of us experiences bouts of depression or periods of “the blues” at some point in our lives, but a person who is constantly angry or depressed may require medical or professional assistance. While it may be possible to recover from depression through various means such as drug therapy or counseling, the long-term affects on the brain are still largely unknown.

Doctors have recently reported that as many as fifty percent of patients who experienced periods of major depression also possessed high levels of cortisol, which as we know can have negative effects on the brain and it’s cells.A recent study conducted by The Washington University School of Medicine located in St. Louis, Missouri has shown conclusive evidence of damage to the brain’s neurons in people suffering from depression. Even those people who had been depressed years prior to the testing still showed signs of brain damage, as much as 12-15% cell atrophy in their hippocampus, resulting in the loss of an infinite number of memory cells.Aerobic exercise is an excellent way to reduce stress and its negative effects on the brain.

By engaging in some sort of physical activity the body is able to relax, relieve levels of tension and stress, and burn off nervous energy all at the same time. Endorphins, which are the “feel good” chemicals produced within the brain, are dramatically increased when we exercise which in turn makes both the body and the mind feel better. Not surprisingly, self-esteem can also even be lifted with regular exercise as well as an increased overall body image.In his book “Saving Your Brain” Dr. Jeff Victoroff theorizes that the cultural evolution and fast-pace of today’s society has essentially overwhelmed the capabilities of the brain. However, by simply relaxing, slowing ourselves down and learning how to better deal with the common stressors of every day life we can literally save ourselves from brain damage.

Leon Edward helps others Improve IQ, Memory, Focus, Concentration, Creativity, Public Speaking, Reading Speed, Time Management and Even Stress Management. Learn to Superboost your brain power, optimize your iq and improve life with his IQ Mind Brain Memory Improvement Website at http://www.IQMindBrainLibrary.com

Download His Complete IQ Mind Brain Library At http://www.IQMindBrainLibrary.com/info.html

Other Websites from Leon Edward:

Personal Development Training and Career Success at http://www.awesomesuccess.org
Focus On The Family at http://www.focusonthefamilylife.com
The Power of The Subconscious Mind at http://www.justvisualizeit.net
Ways to earn money at home at http://www.HomeBusinessIT.com