Leon Edward helps people improve Brain Health and brain power, focus, memory, concentration, IQ, creativity, learn to speed read and how to reduce harmful stress to your brain all at his website Increase IQ where you can play scientifically proven brain games online, search articles, review brain improvement resources including CDs, MP3s, PDFs and the latest brain improvement technology resources.

Download the IQ Mind Brain library at http://www.iqmindbrainlibrary.com/info.html

Brain Games Online


Remembering the Names and Faces of Colleagues, Business Associates, and Customers

Remembering the names and faces of colleagues, business associates, and clients is an important skill for business success. Here are some effective techniques for remembering this critical information:

1. Associate someone that you've just met with someone else that has the same name. For example, when you meet a new "Mr. Smith", deliberately conjure in your mind the image of the Mr. Smith you already know. Each time you see the new acquaintance, your mind will flash back to the well-known man, and you'll be able to remember the name. Come up with interesting mental imagery to solidify the association. For example, think of the two Mr. Smiths as twin brothers.

2. When you first learn a new name, write it down several times. This reinforces the name through multiple sensory channels. By hearing the name, seeing it in writing, and invoking physical memory through the process of writing, you're less likely to forget the name.

3. Make note of the person's interesting or distinctive facial features. What makes your new acquaintance distinct from other people? Take note of features like eyes, ears, nose, lips, hair, or facial structure. By pondering a person's facial features, you focus on a person's face right away and create a much stronger mental impression. You also create a sense of interest, which is very important for memory retention. Say, for example, you were introduced to someone who promised to pay you $1,000 cash at your next meeting. Chances are you'd automatically study his face and have no trouble conjuring his image or his name. Interest is important.

4. When you hear someone's name being said out loud, deliberately look at the person to whom the name belongs. This reinforces the connection in your mind between the person's name and face. If you forget the name, try to recall the face and you'll have a better chance of remembering it.

5. Pay close attention to your surroundings and your feelings at the time that you meet someone new. Remembering the atmosphere, how you felt, and what you did can also help you remember your introduction to the person, the person's appearance, and other important details about the person.

6. Say the person's name over and over again in your mind. Whenever possible, say the name out loud in context. For example, tell a co-worker "I met Bob Norwiki today." Later, tell your wife "I met a new colleague today, Bob Norwiki. He's going to help out with our new project."

By using these simple but powerful techniques, you'll be better able to remember names and faces. This will serve you well in both your business and personal life.

Leon Edward helps others Increase IQ, Memory, Focus, Concentration,
Creativity, Public Speaking, Reading Speed, Time Management and Even
Stress Management. Learn to Superboost your brain power, optimize your
iq and improve life with his IQ Mind Brain Success Library at


InstantIQTest.com - Take the IQ Test. Click Here

- Leon Edward also has a personal development website  http://www.awesomesuccess.org/ for awesome personal development training online - Streaming Video Audio Webucation,leadership development , career improvement skills and wealth.

Other websites from Leon Edward  include:

http://www.justvisualizeit.net/ - Learn to Optimize Your Mind through the power of the subconscious mind and reprogramming subconscious mind

http://www.homebusinessit.com/ internet home businss ideas, opportunities and free training

- Learn to Earn Money At Home with Online Business Ideas, Home Business Reviews
learn how to
get grants to start a business

Development Training
guide, Success University Online

http://www.focusonthefamilylife.com/ - Visit Focus on the Family and Family Life infocenter for Hobbies, Travel, Best Articles on the Web Daily, Christian Music
and Christian Bookstore


Use Clustering Technique To Improve Memory, Step By Step Instructions

To compete in today's quick-moving, information-intense society, a good memory is an important quality to possess. The ability to remember important pieces of information like names, faces, facts, dates, events, and other components of daily life is vital to your success. If you have a good memory, you won't need to worry about forgetting or losing important items, and you can overcome mental blocks that prevent you from achieving your maximum potential on the job, at home, and in your love life.

Your memory is controlled by a complex network of interconnected neurons within the brain that can hold millions of pieces of independent data. It is this ability of your mind to store detailed, organized memories of past experiences that makes you capable of learning and creativity. These experiences stored in the form of memories help you learn from mistakes, protect you from danger, and achieve the goals that you set. By harnessing the power of your memory, you are better able to learn life lessons that help you avoid mistakes in the future based on your own past and the failures of others.

While poor memory can sometimes be the result of a mental handicap or disability, it most often has to do with a lack of attention or inability to concentrate, poor listening skills, and other types of bad habits. Fortunately, you can re-train yourself with proper habits to develop and fine-tune your memory. The basic tool for developing better memory is the "clustering" technique.

Examples of clustering include:

1. Grouping by numbers, letters, physical characteristics, or categories

2. Grouping words and concepts that are related, or opposites

3. Grouping with mental pictures or subjective organization

Data clustering improves memory by breaking information into more easily manageable pieces. For example, consider a 10-digit phone number with area code. By memorizing the numbers in groups of three or four, you'll be able to more easily access this data from your memory bank.

Word or concept clustering involves grouping words together in our minds to help us have better recollection. This harnesses the power of association, in which one thought or suggestion leads you to recall another. One example is word pair clusters. These can be synonyms, antonyms, or associated words. For example "fair" and "square", "man" and "woman".

Clustering through subjective organization uses categories, processes, devices, and associations to remember data. For example, vocabulary words are often remembered in groups, based on the context in which they were discussed. Remembering one word triggers the memory of an unrelated word with which it was somehow grouped or associated.

Let's take cooking as another example. While there are a number of ingredients in a recipe, each one of these individual ingredients has no context by itself. It's only through the process of combining each of these ingredients that the whole context takes shape.

In sum, use the following strategies to hone your memory:

1. Reflect on the process of problem solving or contextualizing instead of trying to memorize facts out of context.

2. Understand what techniques work best for you individually. Do you work best with category clusters? Or are you more visually driven?

3. Analyze situational details and experiences to remember important data, and eliminate unnecessary data

Leon Edward helps others Increase IQ, Memory, Focus, Concentration,
Creativity, Public Speaking, Reading Speed, Time Management and Even
Stress Management. Learn to Superboost your brain power, optimize your
iq and improve life with his IQ Mind Brain Success Library at


InstantIQTest.com - Take the IQ Test. Click Here

- Leon Edward also has a personal development website http://www.awesomesuccess.org/ for awesome personal development training online - Streaming Video Audio Webucation,leadership development , career improvement skills and wealth.

Other websites from Leon Edward include:

http://www.justvisualizeit.net/ - Learn to Optimize Your Mind through the power of the subconscious mind and reprogramming subconscious mind

http://www.homebusinessit.com/ internet home businss ideas, opportunities and free training

- Learn to Earn Money At Home with Online Business Ideas, Home Business Reviews
learn how to
get grants to start a business

Development Training
guide, Success University Online

http://www.focusonthefamilylife.com/ - Visit Focus on the Family and Family Life infocenter for Hobbies, Travel, Best Articles on the Web Daily, Christian Music
and Christian Bookstore


Improve Memory With Visualization and Imagination

Images are internal sensory representations that are also used in the
creation of memory. They can bring words to mind, which can arouse other
images or pictures. The formation of images appears to help in learning and
remembering what has been learned or experienced in the past.

Images and words can help you in remembering things by bringing
pictures in your head instead of just words or figures. Let’s say, in learning the
process of cell mitosis or cell division, most of the books that contain concepts or
scientific ideas have pictures to describe scenarios that are sometimes difficult to
be seen by the human eye. Another example would be the structure of a bacteria
or a virus. Graphic elements and visual tools, therefore, may become guiding
principles in learning conceptual or precisely scientific ideas.
Another example would be in memorizing the lyrics of the songs or in
remembering stories that you might have read before. In these two examples, the
memorization process becomes easier if you imagine the images conjured by the
lyrics of the song or if you create vivid images in your mind as you read or recall
a narrative or tale. Picture the actual scenario described by the sentences or

To further intensify your imagination, you have to actually feel what the
character is feeling. If you’re reading a story about a knight in shining armor
fighting a dragon, then feel your strength, the power of your sword, the heat of
the fire from the dragon’s mouth, and even the kiss of the princess after saving
her from the monster. J

Images and the formation of which, in the process of learning or
remembering, can therefore help you in improving your memory. Here are some
of the valuable methods which you can use in achieving an imaginative memory:

1. Learn to think with both words and figures. For example, in reading a
book, it would be helpful to stop for a while and reconstruct the
suggested scenario inside your head. This way, you are also
increasing the chances of not only recording linguistic data but also
some of the essential cognitive aspect of remembering, like the
reconstruction of perceived or imagined senses in your brain. The
smell and taste of ice cream, the redness of a strawberry, or the
thickness or thinness of blood described in a crime novel that not only
gives chill or excitement in reading but also makes your reading
experience more memorable.

2. In learning new ideas, associate these concepts with a very particular
image or picture that is very personal or relevant to you. Put some
premium on what you already know or on what is easily conjured by
your brain in experiencing these words (like in learning a new language
or subject). Put some personal relationship with these words like
knowing the origin of their meanings (etymology) or by giving them a
concrete symbol in your head.

3. If you’re reading a very technical manual or theory pamphlet, what you
can do is imagine yourself doing the scenario suggested by the book.
This is also what we call as vivid reading. Words and sentences
become alive not with their meaningful connections but with their
correlative value with reality. In fact, writing prose or poetry involves a
highly developed skill in imagery and mental mapping. Poets and
creative writers are said to be good not only in remembering details or
facts, but also in the creation of worlds or situations found within the

Leon Edward helps others Increase IQ, Memory, Focus, Concentration,
Creativity, Public Speaking, Reading Speed, Time Management and Even
Stress Management. Learn to Superboost your brain power, optimize your
iq and improve life with his IQ Mind Brain Success Library at


InstantIQTest.com - Take the IQ Test. Click Here

- Leon Edward also has a personal development website http://www.awesomesuccess.org/ for awesome personal development training online - Streaming Video Audio Webucation,leadership development , career improvement skills and wealth.

Other websites from Leon Edward include:

http://www.justvisualizeit.net/ - Learn to Optimize Your Mind through the power of the subconscious mind and reprogramming subconscious mind

http://www.homebusinessit.com/ internet home businss ideas, opportunities and free training

- Learn to Earn Money At Home with Online Business Ideas, Home Business Reviews
learn how to
get grants to start a business

Development Training
guide, Success University Online

http://www.focusonthefamilylife.com/ - Visit Focus on the Family and Family Life infocenter for Hobbies, Travel, Best Articles on the Web Daily, Christian Music
and Christian Bookstore


Improving Memory Basic Concepts Part 1

No one is born with a bad memory. Unless factors such as your lifestyle,
health, or other conditions has affected it, you can sharpen your memory with the
proper knowledge and practice. I’m going to discuss basic
concepts of memory.


If you want to efficiently remember something, it is necessary that it be
regarded in connection, or in association with one or more other things that you
already know. The greater the number of other things with which it is associated
with, the better chances you will be able to recall it.

Two popular techniques of association are acronyms and acrostics.
An acronym is an invented combination of first letters of the items to be
For example: an acronym commonly used to remember the
sequence of colors in the light spectrum is the name ROY G. BIV: Red, Orange,
Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, and Violet. Sometimes, the acronym can be more
familiar than the complete name itself, such as RAM (Random Access Memory)
or SCUBA (Self-Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus).

On the other hand, an acrostic is an invented sentence where the first
letter of each word is a cue to the thing you want to remember. For example,
Every Good Boy Deserves Fun is an acrostic to remember the order of G-clef
notes on sheet music - E, G, B, D, F. An acrostic for the nine planets of our solar
system would be My Very Eager Mother Just Sent Us Nine Peaches (Mercury,
Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto).

Check back with my blog in the coming days for more basics

Leon Edward helps others Increase IQ, Memory, Focus, Concentration,
Creativity, Public Speaking, Reading Speed, Time Management and Even
Stress Management. Learn to Superboost your brain power, optimize your
iq and improve life with his IQ Mind Brain Success Library at


InstantIQTest.com - Take the IQ Test. Click Here

- Leon Edward also has a personal development website http://www.awesomesuccess.org/ for awesome personal development training online - Streaming Video Audio Webucation,leadership development , career improvement skills and wealth.

Other websites from Leon Edward include:

http://www.justvisualizeit.net/ - Learn to Optimize Your Mind through the power of the subconscious mind and reprogramming subconscious mind

http://www.homebusinessit.com/ internet home businss ideas, opportunities and free training

- Learn to Earn Money At Home with Online Business Ideas, Home Business Reviews
learn how to
get grants to start a business

Development Training
guide, Success University Online

http://www.focusonthefamilylife.com/ - Visit Focus on the Family and Family Life infocenter for Hobbies, Travel, Best Articles on the Web Daily, Christian Music
and Christian Bookstore


The Ultimate Secrets of Truly Effective Affirmation Techniques

The Ultimate Secrets of Truly Effective Affirmation

by song chengxiang

All right reserved

Affirmation has been used by successful people for
centuries. It has helped many ordinary people achieve
extraordinary results in their lives. It has turned many
failures into successes. It has made many miracles happen
in the history of human evolution. However, the majority of
people who use affirmation find that it doesn’t work. Why
is this the case? What are the elements that people have
missed when they use affirmation techniques? I constantly
ask myself these questions, and seek for the answers. The
result is, no one book gives the complete answer. Some tips
given in one book work for a specific situation, but not
for others. Other books give other tips that work for other
situations, but not for this. I have tested and filtered
out the ineffective ones, and left only what I call the
ultimate effective technique secrets.

The purpose of affirmation:

Before I give you the effective techniques, I must make you
understand the true purpose of affirmation. Simply stated,
the purpose of affirmation is to pass a command from the
conscious mind to the subconscious mind. The subconscious
mind has the ability, in anything it accepts as true, to do
whatever it takes to turn it into reality. The purpose of
an affirmation is to pass a message to the subconscious
mind, and to make it believe the message is true. So this
brings us to the first element of an effective affirmation.

1.The affirmation must be believable to the subconscious

Most of the affirmations people use, fail at this first
stage. They tend to give an unrealistic message to the
subconscious mind, hoping for a positive response. If you
are financially broke, and you say to yourself “I earn
$100,000 per year”, is this believable to your mind? If
your body is totally out of shape, and you say to yourself
“I am very attractive”, is this believable to your mind? I
doubt it.

What if you are currently broke, and you want to make
$100,000 per year? What if you are out of shape, and you
want to make yourself attractive? I find the best and
easiest way is to use the word “I choose” in your

Instead of saying “I earn $100,000 per year.”

Say “I choose to earn $100,000 per year”

Instead of saying “I am very attractive”

Say “I choose to feel that people find me attractive”

Do you feel the difference?

2.The subconscious mind seeks for proof

There is a misconception that the affirmation must be
repeated thousands of times before it can be installed in
the subconscious mind. This is not necessarily true. You
can use the repetition method to embed your affirmation,
but there is an easier way. It is, at the time you find the
proof, state your affirmation. Many people stay in poverty
because they associate pain with money. Whenever they spend
their money, they think of their bills, loans etc. This
will automatically lead to ultimate pain. It is the feeling
you attach to money that makes you rich or poor.

How can we turn this to our advantage? Instead of feeling
pain when spending money, what if we associate pleasure
with it? Next time when you go out shopping, at the moment
you take out your money or credit card, say this
affirmation to yourself “I always have more than enough to

See how you feel. This works because the subconscious mind
sees the proof. As long as you have some money left in your
pocket, this affirmation is always true, so the
subconscious mind will believe it.

How about if we combine the first and second methods
together and make an affirmation like this: “I choose to
feel that I always have more than enough to spend.” Say
this at the time you spend your money. See how you feel.
You don’t have to repeat it thousands of times, a few times
of real life proof will make your subconscious mind believe

3.The affirmation must trigger feelings

A fact about the subconscious mind is that it does not
speak in words, you can only communicate with it through
feelings, and emotions. There are two methods that you can
use to trigger your feelings. The first method is to use
words that involve feelings. Words like “fun, enjoyable,
comfortable, delightful” will work effectively. The second
method is to use imagination. Visualize that the situation
stated in your affirmation has already come true. See
yourself in that situation and feel the feelings.

4.The affirmation must obey the 3 Ps factor.

The 3 Ps are Positive, Present Tense, and Personal.

Affirmations must be stated positively. Instead of saying
“I am not fat”, say “I choose to stay slim”. The reason for
this is that before the mind knows the meaning of, “I am
not fat”, it must think of what fat means first. So saying
that statement will inevitably lead to the feeling of being

Affirmations must be in the present tense. Many books
mention this. However, I only agree to some extent. If you
say “I have a luxury car”, your mind will not believe you.
The reason I include this here is that once it is combined
with the first technique, it will work perfectly. Now say
“I choose to have a luxury car”. Your mind will do its best
to bring it into reality.

Affirmations must be personal. Your subconscious mind only
works for you, not for others. If you say “Ann loves me”,
it will not be effective, because you have no control over
Ann. Now say “I choose to feel that Ann really loves me”.
This time you are in control, because you can control your
own feelings.

5.Personal development affirmations should be stated in the

“I am confident” may not be as effective as “I am becoming
more and more confident”.

An even better affirmation might be “I choose to feel more
and more confident”.

The reason for using the comparative, is because there is
no end to how much more confident you can become.
Otherwise, your mind may think you are already confident
enough, and it will not need to do any more work.

These 5 techniques are the most effective ones that I have
found from my research on affirmations. If you can use all
the 5 techniques, I guarantee your results will be amazing.
Even if you only use one or two of the techniques stated
here, you will find your affirmations will become far more

Song Chengxiang is the author of popular online
ebooks "Rapid Manifestation" and "The Lost secrets of
Manifestation". His words have helped thousands of people
greatly change the quality of their lives and manifest
their true desires easily and effortlessly. He has recently
developed a powerful mind programming system- Quantum Mind
Power, with a top brainwave entrainment Engineer Morry
Zelcovitch. Check out this amazing new system and get a
FREE 5 part Quantum Mind Power ecourse at


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For nearly 10 years, a privately funded research project was instigated to search for answers into the power of the mind. The discoveries literally stunned the small group of investigators.

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Leon Edward helps others Increase IQ, Memory, Focus, Concentration,
Creativity, Public Speaking, Reading Speed, Time Management and Even
Stress Management. Learn to Superboost your brain power, optimize your
iq and improve life with his IQ Mind Brain Success Library at


InstantIQTest.com - Take the IQ Test. Click Here

- Leon Edward also has a personal development website http://www.awesomesuccess.org/ for awesome personal development training online - Streaming Video Audio Webucation,leadership development , career improvement skills and wealth.

Other websites from Leon Edward include:

http://www.justvisualizeit.net/ - Learn to Optimize Your Mind through the power of the subconscious mind and reprogramming subconscious mind

http://www.homebusinessit.com/ internet home businss ideas, opportunities and free training

- Learn to Earn Money At Home with Online Business Ideas, Home Business Reviews
learn how to
get grants to start a business

Development Training
guide, Success University Online

http://www.focusonthefamilylife.com/ - Visit Focus on the Family and Family Life infocenter for Hobbies, Travel, Best Articles on the Web Daily, Christian Music
and Christian Bookstore


Secrets of Affirmations and Techniques

The Ultimate Secrets of Truly Effective Affirmation

by song chengxiang

All right reserved

Affirmation has been used by successful people for
centuries. It has helped many ordinary people achieve
extraordinary results in their lives. It has turned many
failures into successes. It has made many miracles happen
in the history of human evolution. However, the majority of
people who use affirmation find that it doesn’t work. Why
is this the case? What are the elements that people have
missed when they use affirmation techniques? I constantly
ask myself these questions, and seek for the answers. The
result is, no one book gives the complete answer. Some tips
given in one book work for a specific situation, but not
for others. Other books give other tips that work for other
situations, but not for this. I have tested and filtered
out the ineffective ones, and left only what I call the
ultimate effective technique secrets.

The purpose of affirmation:

Before I give you the effective techniques, I must make you
understand the true purpose of affirmation. Simply stated,
the purpose of affirmation is to pass a command from the
conscious mind to the subconscious mind. The subconscious
mind has the ability, in anything it accepts as true, to do
whatever it takes to turn it into reality. The purpose of
an affirmation is to pass a message to the subconscious
mind, and to make it believe the message is true. So this
brings us to the first element of an effective affirmation.

1.The affirmation must be believable to the subconscious

Most of the affirmations people use, fail at this first
stage. They tend to give an unrealistic message to the
subconscious mind, hoping for a positive response. If you
are financially broke, and you say to yourself “I earn
$100,000 per year”, is this believable to your mind? If
your body is totally out of shape, and you say to yourself
“I am very attractive”, is this believable to your mind? I
doubt it.

What if you are currently broke, and you want to make
$100,000 per year? What if you are out of shape, and you
want to make yourself attractive? I find the best and
easiest way is to use the word “I choose” in your

Instead of saying “I earn $100,000 per year.”

Say “I choose to earn $100,000 per year”

Instead of saying “I am very attractive”

Say “I choose to feel that people find me attractive”

Do you feel the difference?

2.The subconscious mind seeks for proof

There is a misconception that the affirmation must be
repeated thousands of times before it can be installed in
the subconscious mind. This is not necessarily true. You
can use the repetition method to embed your affirmation,
but there is an easier way. It is, at the time you find the
proof, state your affirmation. Many people stay in poverty
because they associate pain with money. Whenever they spend
their money, they think of their bills, loans etc. This
will automatically lead to ultimate pain. It is the feeling
you attach to money that makes you rich or poor.

How can we turn this to our advantage? Instead of feeling
pain when spending money, what if we associate pleasure
with it? Next time when you go out shopping, at the moment
you take out your money or credit card, say this
affirmation to yourself “I always have more than enough to

See how you feel. This works because the subconscious mind
sees the proof. As long as you have some money left in your
pocket, this affirmation is always true, so the
subconscious mind will believe it.

How about if we combine the first and second methods
together and make an affirmation like this: “I choose to
feel that I always have more than enough to spend.” Say
this at the time you spend your money. See how you feel.
You don’t have to repeat it thousands of times, a few times
of real life proof will make your subconscious mind believe

3.The affirmation must trigger feelings

A fact about the subconscious mind is that it does not
speak in words, you can only communicate with it through
feelings, and emotions. There are two methods that you can
use to trigger your feelings. The first method is to use
words that involve feelings. Words like “fun, enjoyable,
comfortable, delightful” will work effectively. The second
method is to use imagination. Visualize that the situation
stated in your affirmation has already come true. See
yourself in that situation and feel the feelings.

4.The affirmation must obey the 3 Ps factor.

The 3 Ps are Positive, Present Tense, and Personal.

Affirmations must be stated positively. Instead of saying
“I am not fat”, say “I choose to stay slim”. The reason for
this is that before the mind knows the meaning of, “I am
not fat”, it must think of what fat means first. So saying
that statement will inevitably lead to the feeling of being

Affirmations must be in the present tense. Many books
mention this. However, I only agree to some extent. If you
say “I have a luxury car”, your mind will not believe you.
The reason I include this here is that once it is combined
with the first technique, it will work perfectly. Now say
“I choose to have a luxury car”. Your mind will do its best
to bring it into reality.

Affirmations must be personal. Your subconscious mind only
works for you, not for others. If you say “Ann loves me”,
it will not be effective, because you have no control over
Ann. Now say “I choose to feel that Ann really loves me”.
This time you are in control, because you can control your
own feelings.

5.Personal development affirmations should be stated in the

“I am confident” may not be as effective as “I am becoming
more and more confident”.

An even better affirmation might be “I choose to feel more
and more confident”.

The reason for using the comparative, is because there is
no end to how much more confident you can become.
Otherwise, your mind may think you are already confident
enough, and it will not need to do any more work.

These 5 techniques are the most effective ones that I have
found from my research on affirmations. If you can use all
the 5 techniques, I guarantee your results will be amazing.
Even if you only use one or two of the techniques stated
here, you will find your affirmations will become far more

Song Chengxiang is the author of popular online
ebooks "Rapid Manifestation" and "The Lost secrets of
Manifestation". His words have helped thousands of people
greatly change the quality of their lives and manifest
their true desires easily and effortlessly. He has recently
developed a powerful mind programming system- Quantum Mind
Power, with a top brainwave entrainment Engineer Morry
Zelcovitch. Check out this amazing new system and get a
FREE 5 part Quantum Mind Power ecourse at

Leon Edward helps others Increase IQ, Memory, Focus, Concentration,
Creativity, Public Speaking, Reading Speed, Time Management and Even
Stress Management. Learn to Superboost your brain power, optimize your
iq and improve life with his IQ Mind Brain Success Library at


InstantIQTest.com - Take the IQ Test. Click Here

- Leon Edward also has a personal development website http://www.awesomesuccess.org/ for awesome personal development training online - Streaming Video Audio Webucation,leadership development , career improvement skills and wealth.

Other websites from Leon Edward include:

http://www.justvisualizeit.net/ - Learn to Optimize Your Mind through the power of the subconscious mind and reprogramming subconscious mind

http://www.homebusinessit.com/ internet home businss ideas, opportunities and free training

- Learn to Earn Money At Home with Online Business Ideas, Home Business Reviews
learn how to
get grants to start a business

Development Training
guide, Success University Online

http://www.focusonthefamilylife.com/ - Visit Focus on the Family and Family Life infocenter for Hobbies, Travel, Best Articles on the Web Daily, Christian Music
and Christian Bookstore


IQ SuperBoost With A Side of Subconscious Mind Power Awesome Success

I've received an truly inspiring email from my friend
Song Chengxiang. He told me of an new breakthrough
technology--The Morry Method, which I think you will
be very interested in...

(Here's the the e-mail I got from Song)


Subject: I was almost in tears when I discovered this…

I am about to tell you a personal story that has
changed my life and is going to change your life
as well.

As you know, one of my biggest passions in life
is to help as many people as possible to live a
happy, fulfilling, and abundant life.

I have read every self improvement book I can get
my hands on, purchased every self help program
that I can find. All I want is to find out some
ideas that I can use to change the quality of
people’s lives.

I test every one of these ideas, and pass only
the best to others.

Do these things work?

Yes, absolutely!

All these things work, they are all about
positive thinking, affirmations, visualizations,
meditations, etc.

BUT, every one of these techniques takes effort.
They require self discipline.

One meditation session will not make much
difference, you need to meditate every day.

Affirmations without thousands of repetitions
have almost no effect at all.

You need self discipline and will power to make
these techniques work for you.

However, most people associate the act of
actually doing these things with difficulty and
impatience, they find it hard, real hard.

Do you feel it's hard to meditate for one hour
each day?

Do you feel it's hard to visualize your desires
each morning and each evening?

Do you feel it's hard to repeat an affirmation
day and night?

If you are like most people, that’s exactly what
you feel.

I know it because I am speaking from my own
experience. I was also struggling to make these
techniques work by disciplining myself.

My struggling had come to the end on this day…

This was a normal day, like any other day. I was
checking my email in front of my computer. I
always receive some thank you emails from my
subscribers, I enjoy reading them.

But I found an unusual email from a subscriber of
mine by the name of Morry Zelcovitch.

He read one of my free ebooks on manifestation,
and he found it very helpful, so he wanted to
give me a thank you gift.

It was an mp3 recording.

When I put on my headphones, and listened to this
Recording, I felt it was so enjoyable, and had an
amazing sensation I never had before.

I was getting interested in this recording, and
started to communicate with Morry through emails.

I found out he's one of the few brainwave
entrainment engineer/specialists in the world. He
even showed his certification to me.

This was the first time I heard about "Brainwave

As Morry introduced me what "Brainwave
Entrainment" can do...

... I was almost in tears.

The recording he passed to me was created using
the brainwave entrainment (BWE) technology.

Here is what BWE can do…

It can put you into any vibration level that you

The best part is… It takes no effort.

All you need to do is listen to these BWE
recordings purposely designed to raise your
mental vibration.

Can you see the power of this technology?

Think about it...

Why do you want to meditate?

Because meditation puts you into a vibration
level that’s aligned with the higher

BWE can do it for you AUTOMATICALLY!

Why do you want to visualize?

Visualization puts you into a vibration level
That is aligned with your desires.

BWE can do it for you AUTOMATICALLY!

What a brilliant technology!

I was so excited that I was almost in tears...

Because I finally found something that can help
people program their minds for success, wealth,
and happiness AUTOMATICALLY, without any effort.

I realized that I must make it available to as
many people as possible. I started working with
Morry to create a complete mind programming
system to help people raise their vibration and
achieve their desires. Automatically.

One year later, the "Quantum Mind Power" System
is born.

Yes, we spent one year to fine tune the system in
order to maximize its effectiveness.

Morry is a genius...

He’s developed his own BWE methodology that is
far superior than the more traditional ones,
based on his fifteen years of BWE experience.

This new method is named "The Morry Method".

The entire "Quantum Mind Power" system is created
using this new method.

We’ve received great feedback from experts and
users alike during the test phase.

This system has just been released. You can get
some terrific fast action bonuses if you order
today. Go to ...


To your success
Leon Edward

PS. Want to experience that power of this latest
brainwave entrainment technology and improve your
life automatically?

Get your copy of the "Quantum Mind Power" system
before it's too late.

Leon Edward helps others Increase IQ, Memory, Focus, Concentration,
Creativity, Public Speaking, Reading Speed, Time Management and Even
Stress Management. Learn to Superboost your brain power, optimize your
iq and improve life with his IQ Mind Brain Success Library at


InstantIQTest.com - Take the IQ Test. Click Here

- Leon Edward also has a personal development website  http://www.awesomesuccess.org/ for awesome personal development training online - Streaming Video Audio Webucation,leadership development , career improvement skills and wealth.

Other websites from Leon Edward  include:

http://www.justvisualizeit.net/ - Learn to Optimize Your Mind through the power of the subconscious mind and reprogramming subconscious mind

http://www.homebusinessit.com/ internet home businss ideas, opportunities and free training

- Learn to Earn Money At Home with Online Business Ideas, Home Business Reviews
learn how to
get grants to start a business

Development Training
guide, Success University Online

http://www.focusonthefamilylife.com/ - Visit Focus on the Family and Family Life infocenter for Hobbies, Travel, Best Articles on the Web Daily, Christian Music
and Christian Bookstore


Easy Steps To Improve Your Memory

There is good news; you can improve your memory. This is especially true if you are younger in age. The suggestions below are very good ideas and they can actually help you to strengthen your memory.

1. First, comprehend the information. This is your first look at the information given to you. Remain focused. Let your mind completely process the information. Open your mind and allow it to absorb all the facts and figures that it possible can.

2. Try to take the information and relate it to something that you are familiar with already. The ability to use this association technique is very helpful. Try to interconnect things that you can deeply relate to with the information that you need to remember. It does not have to be things that are even relevant to each other. You are just simply trying to give your brain the ability to recall information when you think of that "trigger".

3. Repeat the information in your mind. Now, it is time to begin using your memory. After taking in the information and relating each separate item to something, start trying to recall each of them in the correct order in your mind. Keep doing this until you get all the information correctly in the right order.

4. Take a break for a few minutes and attempt to recall the information again. Then clear your mind for three or four minutes and try recalling it one more time. Even if you are able to do this accurately keep doing this drill at least three more times. Give yourself another few minutes, and then try recalling again. If you are still able to recite the information after the third time, you can be assured that the information is now stored in your brain's long-term memory.

5. Repeat these steps over until you can remember the information on your own. If you are unsuccessful at recalling all the information given to you after the few minute break, go back and repeat step one. Keep repeating each step until you can completely and accurately remember every single piece of information given to you.

Leon Edward helps others Increase IQ, Memory, Focus, Concentration,
Creativity, Public Speaking, Reading Speed, Time Management and Even
Stress Management. Learn to Superboost your brain power, optimize your
iq and improve life with his IQ Mind Brain Success Library at


InstantIQTest.com - Take the IQ Test. Click Here

- Leon Edward also has a personal development website http://www.awesomesuccess.org/ for awesome personal development training online - Streaming Video Audio Webucation,leadership development , career improvement skills and wealth.

Other websites from Leon Edward include:

http://www.justvisualizeit.net/ - Learn to Optimize Your Mind through the power of the subconscious mind and reprogramming subconscious mind

http://www.homebusinessit.com/ internet home businss ideas, opportunities and free training

- Learn to Earn Money At Home with Online Business Ideas, Home Business Reviews
learn how to
get grants to start a business

Development Training
guide, Success University Online

http://www.focusonthefamilylife.com/ - Visit Focus on the Family and Family Life infocenter for Hobbies, Travel, Best Articles on the Web Daily, Christian Music
and Christian Bookstore

Seniors Are Using Brain Training Software to Sharpen Their Minds

Good News!

Bob Moos of The Dallas Morning News recently reported and listed testimonials and proof that seniors are using brain training software to sharpen their minds and maintain more than enough brain function to enjoy activities once thought taboo for the elderly as motorcycle riding. He also states this new audio PC based brain training software is part of a $225 million-a-year brain fitness industry. Even during the recession , experts show explosive growth.

Leon Edward helps others Increase IQ, Memory, Focus, Concentration,
Creativity, Public Speaking, Reading Speed, Time Management and Even
Stress Management. Learn to Superboost your brain power, optimize your
iq and improve life with his IQ Mind Brain Success Library at


InstantIQTest.com - Take the IQ Test. Click Here

- Leon Edward also has a personal development website http://www.awesomesuccess.org/ for awesome personal development training online - Streaming Video Audio Webucation,leadership development , career improvement skills and wealth.

Other websites from Leon Edward include:

http://www.justvisualizeit.net/ - Learn to Optimize Your Mind through the power of the subconscious mind and reprogramming subconscious mind

http://www.homebusinessit.com/ internet home businss ideas, opportunities and free training

- Learn to Earn Money At Home with Online Business Ideas, Home Business Reviews
learn how to
get grants to start a business

Development Training
guide, Success University Online

http://www.focusonthefamilylife.com/ - Visit Focus on the Family and Family Life infocenter for Hobbies, Travel, Best Articles on the Web Daily, Christian Music
and Christian Bookstore