Clear Thinking and Decision Making Tips That Can Reduce Stress
Every day, we are faced with a multitude of decisions. Some are subconscious decisions (Looking left or right, or lifting your foot to climb the stairs) while others use your thought process to make the correct decision (Choosing a video or what to cook for dinner) Believe it or not, it takes your body's energy to make a decision.
There are times when we can be bombarded with decisions. Whether it is at work or in our personal lives the decisions that are made can have a great impact on the way we live. When you make what seems like a million decisions all at once, it can make you be very draining.
It is important that you are clear headed before you make any decisions. When you make decisions in haste or without thinking about the outcome or what the repercussion could be, you could be setting yourself up for more trouble.
Decide How You Decide
According to experts in the field of teaching executive through the decision making process, there are four different types of decision-making people.
A commander is classified as a person who is not patient. Being a commander can results in decisions that are made in haste and often foolish decisions.
Convincers are classified as people who act on their emotion. They decide on what feels good sort of like a gut instinct. They tend to be persuaded into making decisions; sometimes they are not in their best interests.
People who make decisions that are based on their concern for others feeling are classified as being carers, and as such, they tend to take a long time to make their decisions taking into consideration the feelings of all involved.
A person who needs to have all information, no matter how long it takes to collect is considered a calculator. This type of person usually takes an unusually amount of time to make their decision because the information that they request cannot be collected completely.
It is recommended that you make any of your decisions carefully. Take a step back and consider how others will view your decision and take the necessary steps to make the correct decisions.
There are several things that you need to take into consideration before making potentially life-changing decisions. There are rules that apply to all of the decision-making types.
Anyone can tell you that in order to make the correct decision you need to have as much information as possible. It is also important to ask as many questions as it takes for you to be comfortable in making that decision. When you think that you can make an informed take a moment to analyze the information and try to find anything that can be misconstrued or can backfire on you in the future.
Another problem that is common among decision makers is that they have an either-or-attitude. With this type of attitude, your options a limited. Usually, there is a vast array of answers to be found.
Another common problem is that we tend to make many decisions with an either-or attitude. This limits our options when, in reality, there are usually more answers facing us. It is important to use common sense when you make your decisions. You know right from wrong from the values that you have, use this when you make your decisions.
You waste a lot of energy when you try to work through the decision making process without having the right information. However, if you keep your mind on what is important you will find that it is much easier to make the important decisions.
Keeping notes, whether it is mental or on paper, will assist you in becoming more organized.
There are times when we can be bombarded with decisions. Whether it is at work or in our personal lives the decisions that are made can have a great impact on the way we live. When you make what seems like a million decisions all at once, it can make you be very draining.
It is important that you are clear headed before you make any decisions. When you make decisions in haste or without thinking about the outcome or what the repercussion could be, you could be setting yourself up for more trouble.
Decide How You Decide
According to experts in the field of teaching executive through the decision making process, there are four different types of decision-making people.
A commander is classified as a person who is not patient. Being a commander can results in decisions that are made in haste and often foolish decisions.
Convincers are classified as people who act on their emotion. They decide on what feels good sort of like a gut instinct. They tend to be persuaded into making decisions; sometimes they are not in their best interests.
People who make decisions that are based on their concern for others feeling are classified as being carers, and as such, they tend to take a long time to make their decisions taking into consideration the feelings of all involved.
A person who needs to have all information, no matter how long it takes to collect is considered a calculator. This type of person usually takes an unusually amount of time to make their decision because the information that they request cannot be collected completely.
It is recommended that you make any of your decisions carefully. Take a step back and consider how others will view your decision and take the necessary steps to make the correct decisions.
There are several things that you need to take into consideration before making potentially life-changing decisions. There are rules that apply to all of the decision-making types.
Anyone can tell you that in order to make the correct decision you need to have as much information as possible. It is also important to ask as many questions as it takes for you to be comfortable in making that decision. When you think that you can make an informed take a moment to analyze the information and try to find anything that can be misconstrued or can backfire on you in the future.
Another problem that is common among decision makers is that they have an either-or-attitude. With this type of attitude, your options a limited. Usually, there is a vast array of answers to be found.
Another common problem is that we tend to make many decisions with an either-or attitude. This limits our options when, in reality, there are usually more answers facing us. It is important to use common sense when you make your decisions. You know right from wrong from the values that you have, use this when you make your decisions.
You waste a lot of energy when you try to work through the decision making process without having the right information. However, if you keep your mind on what is important you will find that it is much easier to make the important decisions.
Keeping notes, whether it is mental or on paper, will assist you in becoming more organized.
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