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Improve Your Thought Processing Through Writing Down Ideas

We live in a fast moving world where there is so much going on that it's hard to take it all in, let alone retain all of the information which we're deluged by every day. One way to keep track of everything you see and hear in the course of your day is to write down the things you want to remember in a journal. As you make a habit of taking note of the day's events and the information you come across, you'll find that your memory may grow sharper and that you're able to process all of this information in a more sophisticated way.

Writing down your thoughts has the advantage of letting you get things on paper without having to over think them, analyze them as you mull them over or as happens when we share our thoughts with others out loud, apply our own internal censors and fail to say what we're really thinking. Taking your thoughts down can help you to learn more about how you really feel about things and give you a valuable insight to your own thought processes.

If you see an event or anything else that you want to remember all of the details of, try to take it all down in your journal. Include anything you sense with all of your five senses. This kind of detail will enable you to recall the event with greater clarity since you'll have all of the sights, sounds and other sensations there in front of you when you reread your notes later.

To keep your thought process and memory sharp, you should write in your journal daily. Some people prefer to do this in the evening while they unwind from their day, while others like to write in the morning - still others keep a journal with them throughout their day and write things down as they happen. You might also want to try keeping a dream journal instead of a diary of the day's events. You can then try your hand at interpreting your dreams, which can be a fascinating hobby in itself.

Keeping a journal can also be a useful tool for helping you to achieve your goals and objectives. Writing down your goals is helpful to many; being able to see your objective in print reinforces your drive to work towards this goal. You can reread your list of goals daily and use it as inspiration to stay focused on your goal.

If you plan to keep a daily journal which you'll write in mornings or evenings, set aside a scheduled time in your day for writing down your thoughts and experiences. This can be as brief as 15 minutes; it's more important that you make this a regular routine than it is to write for a particular length of time. Don't worry about your writing too much - just get it out and onto the page and let your thoughts flow freely.

Putting your thoughts on the page can even be therapeutic, helping you to clear your mind and put the events of the day and your thoughts and feelings into perspective. It can relieve stress and help you to retain clearer memories of important events. You'll be glad you started to keep your journal and the longer you keep one, the more valuable those memories you've committed to paper will be to you.

- Leon Edward

Leon Edward helps others Improve IQ, Memory, Focus, Concentration, Creativity, Public Speaking, Reading Speed, Time Management and Even Stress Management. Learn to Superboost your brain power, optimize your iq and improve life with his IQ Mind Brain Success Library at http://www.IQMindBrainLibrary.com/info.html

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