Stress Will Cause Poor Memory and Loss of Focus And Concentration
Because of this, we build up what are known as stress products. Instead of using these stress products we "grin and bear it", so to speak. Doing this can result in many different types of illnesses and diseases when we do not deal with stressors in a healthy manner or the stress reaction is chronic.
In fact, medical research has proven that people who always seem to be anxious and stressed out produce stress hormones. Stress hormones such as cortisol can have harmful effects on the brain cells. Therefore you should make it a priority everyday to take time for yourself and relax.
It doesn't matter what you do to relax just find something you enjoy doing that will take all your stress and let it fade away. Did you know that a poor memory is often the result of having a poor self image? It's true, which means in order to keep you mind healthy you need to believe that you can do anything you set your mind to.
It is very important to take care of your brain and heart, which can be done by having good blood circulation. Cardiovascular workouts like walking are great ways of getting you blood pumping and helping your brain produce new cells. If walking bores you, try other cardiovascular workouts like some sports or jogging.
Did you know that exercising can lessen your chance of having a problem with high blood pressure? This is true and having high blood pressure can also lead to memory loss when you get older. This means you need to get up off the couch and get some exercise. Exercise can help you by not only keeping you fit but also sharpening you memory.
Exercising you mind is another important thing to do to keep it from having problems later on in life. You can do this by playing games that make you think or watching, reading, or listening to something educational. You also need to make it a point to learn new things and have new experiences often.
If you feel that you have taken good care of your brain and you still are having problems with memory loss it is time to go see your doctor. Memory loss can be a symptom of more serious health problems that can go on for years without ever being noticed. The only thing that does not go unnoticed is the memory loss.
Unfortunately, everyone has to deal with stress and anxiety breaking their concentration on the things that are important. It happens to everyone, which means that you are not alone. Everyone needs to learn to deal with their stress and anxiety to continue to live long, healthy lives and have healthy brains.
Short-term stress can be helpful when a person really needs to concentrate the hardest. For example, when you have a deadline on a project for school or work that is coming up quick you can work hard and fast to get it finished on time. However, it is almost the exact opposite when it comes to long-term stress.
This is because your body starts putting more chemicals into the brain like adrenaline to keep you moving and others to help you focus. While at first this can be a good thing you can really begin to have problems if it is long term. Then you end up in this harmful cycle telling yourself you have to finish it and you need to concentrate.
Therefore, instead of pushing yourself you need to stop and take a break. Relax for a bit and stop trying so hard. You know that you need to get your project done by a certain time by if you can't get it finished because you are stressed out and pushing yourself its not going to do you any good.
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